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    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Recently, Wild Rift has arrived on mobile platforms to further expand the success of Riot's game, being the mobile version of LOL. The game, which is already available in Spain, is a hit with players. Wild Rift retains the essence of LOL, but it delivers an adapted mechanic that works very well on mobile devices. Want to know more about the differences and features of the game? We also tell you that in this link.

    In this article, we will talk about the best wild rift champions. We'll tell you which ones are the best to use, citing some that are easy and others that require greater intimacy with the game. Of course, each player may have an easier time with certain champions, but our list will certainly show you excellent characters to use.

    We will share the list with the best champions for each route.

    It is worth remembering that Wild Rift appeared here, in smooth wheel! Click this link to check the game's performance on different phones!

    Best Champions for Top Lane (Top Lane)


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Darius is a great choice for beginners in the mobile game.

    Darius is an excellent champion for those who are still adapting to Wild Rift. This is a champion that doesn't impose much difficulty to be dominated, with the learning curve being very smooth even for new players. In addition, the character has a strong skill kit.


    • Passive - Bleeding: This ability causes Darius' enemies to take physical damage from bleeding. After a champion's attack, the damage continues over time and can reach a certain threshold.
    • Decimate: With a circular motion, Darius uses his ax to deliver a powerful blow.
    • Mutilating Attack: With this ability, Darius deals additional damage and slows after strengthening his attack.
    • Seize: Sharpening his axe, Darius causes physical damage to go over a percentage of the target's armor. Also, when activated Darius pulls enemies close with the hook of his weapon.
    • Ultimate - Noxian Guillotine: With this Ultimate, Darius jumps close to the enemy and hits them with a lethal blow, dealing true damage. The damage still increases and increases with each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. Killing an opponent with Noxian Guillotine resets the skill's cooldown, grants Noxian Power, and causes nearby minions and monsters to flee.


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Fiora has an excellent Ultimate.

    The champion fighter and duelist is also an excellent option, being able to help with a lot of damage in team fights. In addition, Fiora presents good split push potential. Your Ultimate can still be very decisive if used the right way.


    • Passive - Duelist Dance: Fiora challenges nearby enemies to dodge her and indicates the direction she will make her attacks. If you complete the challenge itself, the champion gains a small bonus and indicates a new direction of attack.
    • Thrust: When charging in a direction and striking a nearby enemy, Fiona deals physical damage and applies on-hit effects.
    • Ripostar: The skill manages to block all damage and trips taken for a short period of time. After that, Fiora performs a strike in the direction of the target. If Fiora has blocked a stun effect with this ability, the first enemy hit will be stunned, otherwise they will be slowed.
    • fencing : Fiora gains increased Attack Speed ​​for two attacks. In the first, the champion slows the target. In the second, Fiora critically strikes.
    • Ultimate - Grand Desafio: With the Ultimate, Fiora reveals an enemy's four Vitals and gains Movement Speed ​​while close to them. If the champion reaches all four points or the target dies after Fiora hits one of them, the champion and allies in the area are healed for the next few seconds.


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    An excellent fighter.

    This is a strong champion who can purchase items with ease. Her passive is very good and Camille is a great Wild Rift fighter, so it's a great option.


    • Passive - Adaptive Defense: Basic attacks against enemies grant a shield equal to 20% of Camille's maximum health against their damage type for a short time.
    • Precision Protocol: The champion's next attack deals bonus damage and also grants bonus Movement Speed. The ability can be recast for a short time. If Camille creates a gap between the two attacks, considerably more additional damage is dealt.
    • Tactical Scan: Camille performs a cone shot after a delay, dealing damage to opponents. Enemies in the outer half are slowed and they also take additional damage. At the same time, Camille heals.
    • Hook Shot: Camille pulls herself towards a wall, jumps, and when she lands launches enemies into the air.
    • Ultimate - Hextec Ultimate: The champion dashes towards the target champion, anchors him to the area, and pushes other enemies.

    Best champions for Jungle


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    With moderate difficulty, Evelynn is a great option.

    Evelynn is a great choice for the Jungle. While its difficulty is moderate, the champion has important skills that can be crucial.


    • Passive - Demonic Shadow: Out of combat, Evelynn enters Demon Shadow, healing herself when she is low on health. Additionally, the skill also grants Camouflage after level 5.
    • Thorn of Hate: Evelynn attacks twice using her whip, dealing damage to the first enemy hit. Afterwards, the champion can cast again to shoot more spikes.
    • Fascination: Cursing her target, Evelynn causes the next attack to enchant or Slow the opponent and reduce their Magic Resist.
    • Whiplash: Evelynn hits the target with her whip, dealing damage. Then, for a short period, the champion gains Movement Speed. Upon exiting Demonic Shadow, Whiplash pulls Evelynn to her target.
    • Ultimate - Last Caress: The champion is untargetable for a short period of time, in addition to decimating the area ahead. After that, Evelynn retreats a long distance.

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    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    A somewhat complicated champion to use, but very powerful.

    This is a champion really very powerful, but requires a little more effort. Mastering it can be difficult, but if you can learn to use Lee Sin in the right way, the player will be ready for great performances in matches.


    • Passive - Agitation: With this skill, Lee Sin's next two attacks gain Attack Speed ​​and recover Energy.
    • Sonic Wave / Resonant Attack: With Sonic Wave, the champion emits a sound wave that locates enemies and deals physical damage to the first one it encounters. If it hits the opponent, Lee Sin can cast Resonant Attack within the next 3 seconds. With Resonant Strike, Lee Sin charges at the enemy hit by Sonic Wave and deals Physical Damage based on the amount of health the target has lost.
    • Protect: The champion dashes to a target position, protecting itself from damage from an opponent that is close to the landing point. After using Protect, Lee Sin is able to cast Iron Will in the next few seconds. With Iron Will, Lee Sin's next attack deals bonus magic damage and Universal Vampirism.
    • Storm / Mutilate: Slamming the ground, Lee Sin sends out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals hit enemy units. If Storm hits an enemy, the champion can cast Maim within the next three seconds. With Maim, Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies that have taken Storm damage and also Slows opponents for four seconds. Movement Speed ​​gradually recovers over the duration.
    • Ultimate - Dragon's Fury: Lee Sin performs a powerful spinning kick that knocks his target back and deals Physical Damage to the target and any enemies it collides with. Other enemies hit by the target are thrown into the air for a short time.

    Master Yi

    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    A good champion for beginners!

    Swordsman Wuju appears here for being a good champion for beginners. The hunter is a strong champion that doesn't impose too many difficulties on players' learning. Furthermore, it's not complicated to combo your skills.


    • Passive - Double Attack: After consecutive basic attacks, the champion attacks twice more.
    • Alpha Attack: Master Yi teleports across the battlefield so quickly that he cannot be seen and damages multiple targets in his path, all while untargetable. Alpha Attack can deal additional Critical Strike and Physical Damage against monsters. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown to use Alpha Attack again.
    • To meditate: The champion rejuvenates his body with the strength of his mind, thus recovering health and taking reduced damage for a short period.
    • Estilo Wuju: Grants bonus true damage on basic attacks.
    • Ultimate - Highlander: The champion performs extremely skillful moves, which temporarily increase their Attack and Movement Speed. Additionally, Master Yi becomes immune to freedom-reducing effects. Champion kills or assists extend Highlander's duration while the ability is active. In addition, each kill or assist passively reduces the cooldown of other abilities.
    League of Legends Wild Rift: Which phones will run the game?

    Best Champions for Mid (Middle Lane)


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Orianna has an excellent Ultimate.

    Just like in League of Legends on PC, Orianna is difficult to be used in Wild Rift. Learning to control her is not simple, but the champion proves to be powerful for those who know how to use her abilities, especially her Ultimate.


    • Passive - Giving Rope: Attacks deal magic damage. Each time Orianna attacks the same target, the damage increases.
    • Command - Atacar: The champion causes the Sphere to rush towards the target location, dealing damage to targets along the way. After that, the Sphere remains at the target location.
    • Command: Dissonance: The champion orders the Sphere to unleash a pulse of energy, dealing damage around it. The Sphere leaves behind a field that increases the Movement Speed ​​of allies and Slows enemies.
    • Command: Proteger: Orianna causes her Sphere to latch onto an allied champion, giving them a Shield and dealing magic damage to any enemies in its path. The Sphere also grants additional Armor and Magic Resist to the champion it is attached to.
    • Ultimate - Command: Onda de Choque: The champion orders the Sphere to unleash a shockwave that deals magic damage and knocks nearby enemies toward the Sphere after a short delay.


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Akali requires more intimacy with the game, but is extremely agile.

    This option is for who already has more intimacy and experience with League of Legends or want to take on the challenge of dominating a champion a little harder. Unlike Darius, controlling Akali the right way won't be that easy, but this champion is an excellent choice for taking down opponents in the top lane. akali is extremely agile and can take down the other melee champions with some ease.


    • Passive - Assassin's Mark: When using abilities to damage champions, a circle of energy is created around them.
    • Five Point Strike: The champion throws five kunais and deals damage based on her ability power and bonus attack damage.
    • Twilight Protection: Dropping a smoke shield, Akali restores energy and gains movement speed for a short time.
    • Investida Shuriken: Leaping back, Akali throws a shuriken forward and deals magic damage. The first enemy hit receives a mark and so Akali can cast again to dash towards the target, thus dealing additional damage.
    • Ultimate - Perfect Execution: The champion leaps in one direction and damages enemies she hits, recasting Akali makes another dash and kills enemies hit.


    League of Legends: Wild Rift - The best champions for each lane!

    Katarina is also a great option.

    In Wild Rift, Katarina has some differences from her version in the computer game. The skill kit is the same, but some moves cannot be done in the mobile game. However, Katarina is a excellent champion and her Ultimate is strong.

    • Passive - Voracity: Voracity drastically reduces cooldowns and ability cooldowns every time an opponent recently hit by Katarina dies.
    • Jumping Blade: Throwing a Dagger at the target, it bounces at nearby enemies before ricocheting and falling to the ground.
    • Preparation: Katarina gains a movement speed boost by launching a Dagger in the air directly above her.
    • Shunpo: The champion teleports close to a dagger or unit, then damages the nearby opponent.
    • Ultimate - Lotus of Death: Katarina transforms into multiple blades, deals damage over time, and applies healing reduction.

    Expanding Lol Universe

    The League of Legends universe expands more and more. In addition to the title coming to other platforms, Riot is also developing new games set in that same LOL world, as is the case with titles Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, Convergence: A League of Legends Story and a MMO still mysterious. Learn more about the expansion of this universe!

    We tested Wild Rift on smartphones

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