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    Malware contained in CCleaner wanted to attack Google

      As we reported days ago, CCleaner contained malware that was responsible for affecting more than two million computers in just one month. However, as it turns out, the intention was not to attack small users, but large technology companies.

      According to information released by Cisco and also by Avast, the attack had a specific address and aimed at at least 20 giants in the technological environment, including Google, Microsoft, Samsung, HTC, D-Link, among others.

      Malware contained in CCleaner wanted to attack Google

      CCleaner wanted to target Google, Microsoft and Samsung

      Best free antivirus of 2017 The intention of those responsible for the action was to infect the internal computers of such companies, with the original malware being used only as a way to make a second malware access such systems.

      According to Talos researchers, the hackers' intention was to look at their base of affected machines to find computers that were connected to these companies' networks. It is worth mentioning that 50% of the attempts to install the second malware were successful, with some of the companies ending up being infected twice and others ending up unharmed.

      The released report does not mention whether the action was taken as a spying attempt or just a way to install ransomware and keyloggers on users' computers. An updated review says that 700 computers were affected, not the 2,2 million previously mentioned.

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