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    Meet GRIS, a beautiful new contemplative platformer with a watercolor look

      Meet GRIS, a beautiful new contemplative platformer with a watercolor look

      The same distributor of the beautiful The Swords of Ditto and Minit games, Devolver Digital, presents the next game with stunning visuals: GREY. It is their newest platform game considered melancholy and contemplative, produced by the rookie studio Nomada Studio. GRIS is their first project, headquartered in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

      The trailer for GRIS was presented first hand, and it is visually beautiful and delicate, with an aesthetic that looks more like a work of art. What explains this detailed look is the group of developers responsible for the project, which is formed by artists with great experience in illustration, painting and graphic design, but who are in their first contact with the games industry.

      In the video, we see the main character of the story: a young girl who faces a dense journey in order to overcome the pain caused by bad life experiences. Check out a brief description of the game:

      "Gris is a hopeful young woman lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sadness manifests in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see their world in a different way, revealing new avenues to explore using their new abilities."

      (Image: Devolver Digital / Disclosure)

      Roger Mendoza, co-founder of Nomada Studio, in an interview with Polygon explained that they are starting to see video games as an art form, and that he thinks that movies and art don't have that many differences, and as you see movies about everything , there should be games about everything too. The inspirations for this game range from movies and paintings to adventures with defined aesthetics, such as the games Ori and the Blind Forest and Journey. 

      The player will come across a world full of colors, while solving puzzles, platforming sequences and a few more optional challenges. The game's creative director is Conrad Roset, who is also new to the area, and the soundtrack is authored by the Berlinist group. GRIS has its launch scheduled for the month of December, when it should arrive for PC e Nintendo Switch. 

      Fonte: The Enemy

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