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    Melou! SEGA to cancel use of NFT in games after backlash from fans

    Melou! SEGA to cancel use of NFT in games after backlash from fans

    It looks like Sega hasn't decided yet if it's really going to dive headlong into NFTs, becoming yet another major gaming company showing interest in this rapidly growing new market. While giants like Ubisoft have already gone a step further, Sega now appears to be taking a more cautious path.

    In April 2021, Sega had announced its interest in joining the NFT wave, but after realizing that the reaction of players may not be the best, the company decided to think more carefully about the idea.

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    SEGA must cancel use of NFT

    In a meeting with the company's shareholders, CEO Haruki Satomi spoke about Sega's new stance on NFTs, showing that the publisher will take into account what players think about the matter.

    "If it's perceived as simply a simple way to make money, I'd like to decide not to move forward"

    The CEO also talked about the ideas the company has to implement NFTs in its games, but stated that nothing is decided.

    "In terms of NFT, we would like to carry out several experiments, and we have already started a series of studies and considerations, but nothing is decided for the moment regarding P2E (Play-to-earn or "play to win") mechanics."

    Satomi also stressed that users' opinions will be important for Sega to make decisions regarding the issue of NFTs in its titles. The CEO indicates that the company will have to evaluate its possibilities very carefully.

    "We need to carefully consider many things, such as how to mitigate negative elements, how much we can introduce to Japanese regulations and what will and will not be accepted by users"

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