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    Microsoft confirms: games made by its studio will not be exclusive to Xbox Series X

      Microsoft confirms: games made by its studio will not be exclusive to Xbox Series X

      For this next generation of consoles, Microsoft has a different strategy than Sony when it comes to exclusive games. The Windows developer does not intend to release exclusives for its console since the debut of the Xbox Series X. Instead, the company intends to adopt a strategy to obtain a broader ecosystem, where players will be able, when buying a new game, to choose where want to play.

      Even with the arrival of xCloud, Phil Spencer said that first-party games, those developed by Xbox Game Studios, will not be exclusive to Xbox Series X. Phil says:

      "You won't be forced into the next generation. We want every Xbox gamer to be able to play every new Xbox Game Studios game. That's why the Xbox Game Studios titles that we'll be releasing over the next few years - like Halo Infinite - are - will be playable on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We are not forcing you to upgrade to Xbox Series X to play Xbox exclusives at launch."

      Microsoft intends to make the games available for all consoles and for PC, but of course the performance will be better on the hardware that is more powerful. Earlier this year, Xbox Game Studios director Matt Booty said:

      "With our content coming out in the next year or two, all of our games, like PC, will be compatible with the devices in this series. "We want to make sure that if someone invests in an Xbox between now and the Xbox Series X, they'll feel that you've made a good investment and we'll be committed to their content."

      However, even if Microsoft has no plans to release exclusive titles, there are developers who will. Both Scorn and The Medium will ignore previous Xbox generations and will make their games available exclusively for Xbox Series X and PC.

      For Phil, it's wrong to force people to buy new hardware because of a specific title. The Xbox director was enthusiastic about the idea in a previous interview according to ithome, although not all game developers agree with it.

      What do you think of Microsoft's position on game releases for its new console? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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