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    Most anticipated game releases of 2020

    In this article we will talk about the most anticipated games of 2020 that have not yet been released, with the post being updated every time one of the games on the list is released and removing it, we will always keep everything updated with as much information as possible for you be completely on top of the best games of 2020.

    If there are any games we happen to forget to mention, comment at the end of the post and we'll take a look and get back to you too! But enough rambling, let's get to the list!

    The most anticipated games of 2020

    cyberpunk 2077

    This is without a doubt the most awaited game of 2020 and it has already undergone two changes to its release date which is now officially on September 16, 2020, and what game we should welcome my friends, not only does the developer say that it will be its biggest game ever made as the gameplays we've had so far seem to prove the company's line.

    The trailer above was released over 6 years ago and continues to cause anxiety in anticipation of the game that will feature a character completely based on actor Keanu Reeves, famous mainly for his roles in The Matrix and John Wick.

    • Developer: CD Projekt Red
    • Type: RPG
    • Release date: 16/09/2020
    • Download Link

    Watch Dogs Legion

    The first Watch Dogs surprised in its initial presentation at E3 2012, but when the game finally reached the final consumer the story was quite different, and the biggest criticism with the extensive graphical downgrade that was done to literally every aspect of the game. Fortunately, in Watch Dogs 2 Ubisoft redeemed and released the first trailer with identical graphics to the final game, which ended up restoring a part of the studio's credibility with consumers.

    Now we will receive the third iteration of the franchise where we will be able to control almost any NPC in the world, without a main fixed character, which is why the name of the game is Legion - Legion in Spanish - which makes reference to this new mechanics of the franchise. The original release date was for March 6th of this year, but it has been pushed back to a later date with no specific date set.

    • Developer: Ubisoft
    • Type: TPS
    • Release date: No date
    • Download Link

    Halo Infinite

    The Halo franchise of games is one of the oldest franchises still producing new games and in 2020 we will receive their newest title: Halo Infinite. This one will support the PC platform at its first launch and all on a new Engine called SlipSpace.

    Most anticipated game releases of 2020

    This title directly continues the events of Halo 5: Guardians and the intention of the new title is to explore ideas and the story of the saga in a very different way, so we'll have to wait and see what Microsoft has in mind.

    • Developer: 343 Industries
    • Type: FPS
    • Release date: No date
    • Download Link

    Dying Light 2

    The first Dying Light surprised many with its excellent movement mechanics, breathtaking graphics and which remains at a high level to this day - remember, it was released in January 2015 - and story that captivated many players, in addition to the skill tree system and crafting weapons and accessories.

    Most anticipated game releases of 2020

    Now we have the second game coming to the public and it promises to expand even more on top of what the first game did, there will even be a new story mechanic where every decision you make will lead to a different path with different endings when you finish the game , something that hasn't been done in any game yet.

    • Developer: Techland
    • Type: FPS
    • Release date: No date
    • Download Link

    Elden Ring

    This game comes with great promise for a different reason than the others: its story was made with the help of George RR Martin, the writer and creator of the Game of Thrones series and books that you've almost no doubt heard of.

    Most anticipated game releases of 2020

    The trailer doesn't show any gameplay and doesn't give details about the story or how the final look of the game will be, all we know is that it's a fictional RPG game with elements of magic and that seems to have some kind of Crafting system, but there is also no confirmation on this.

    • Developer: From Software
    • Type: RPG
    • Release date: 06/2020

    Ready or Not

    And our last game on the list is Ready Or Not, a Tactical FPS totally based on the operations of the specialized American police team, better known as SWAT. The game is heavily inspired by SWAT 4, a Sierra Games game that was released in 2005 and that attracted many fans due to its totally different gameplay.

    Most anticipated game releases of 2020

    The idea of ​​the game is to utilize tactical grenades, flashbangs and other equipment that are available to the real life team to carry out missions, be it saving hostages or simply arresting bad guys. At the moment the game is already in alpha stage and can be played by those who buy the most expensive Pack directly on the website, the link is below.

    • Developer: Void Interactive
    • Type: Tactical FPS
    • Release date: Fourth Semester 2020
    • Download Link
    • Minimum Requirements
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