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    Nintendo is closing Super Mario Maker level uploads

    Nintendo is closing Super Mario Maker level uploads

    Nintendo recently announced that it will be removing the digital version of Super Mario Maker from its eShop, but that's not the worst news. The developer of Mario games has also announced that it will remove the function of uploading stages of the game, thus ending the possibility of sharing creations made by the community of fans of the game.

    The idea of ​​making a game that would allow you to create your own Super Mario level was brilliant on Nintendo's part. At the same time, by allowing any player in the world to share their creation, it allowed for an unlimited variety of original and innovative levels. In less than 1 year, Super Mario Maker gained more than seven million levels uploaded on Nintendo's servers. However, as it is a cloud-dependent functionality provided by the company, the company has the choice of keeping this data on its servers or discarding it over time.

    Scene of creating a level in Super Mario Maker. Source: Nintendo
    You can now play Super Mario Maker 2 online with friends, use voice chat and more

    How long will the phase upload functionality be maintained?

    According to Nintendo, the stage upload function in Super Mario Maker will be available until March 31, 2021. At the same time, the digital version of the game will be sold on the company's eShop until January 13, 2021. .

    not everything is over

    According to Nintendo, the levels that are uploaded to their servers until March 31st can be loaded. In addition, the company says that it will still support (with all the features) the title Super Mario Maker 2, released in 2019. However, it is a fact that someday the online functions of the first Super Mario Maker will be completely closed.

    What did you think of the news? Comment below and share with us your opinion on Nintendo's decision on the 1st Super Mario Maker game.

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