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    Playstation 5 enters pre-order on Spanish Amazon

    Recently, the Spanish Amazon started pre-sales on its website for Sony's next generation console, the Playstation 5. As the video game will be sold and shipped by Amazon, it will be possible for members of the Prime service package to purchase the product with free shipping. for any region of the country. In addition, according to the site, it will be possible to split the PS5, thus facilitating the purchase for many fans.

    How will PS5 installment payment on Amazon work?

    According to Spanish Amazon, it will be possible to pay for the PS5 by credit card. However, the website makes it clear that the 1st installment will be charged at the time of order, before the product is shipped. This implies that from the second installment onwards, you will only be charged after sending the console to the customer.

    Playstation 5 enters pre-order on Spanish Amazon

    Rules on installment payments on the Spanish Amazon website. Source: Amazon
    Space for installing PS5 games revealed, and... there's storage!

    It is important to note that Amazon does not accept payment with two credit cards.

    What will happen if the Playstation 5 price drops

    If the amount charged for the Playstation 5 has a drop on the site, Amazon guarantees that it will refund the difference, considering the lowest amount for charging. This will occur both in the case of payment by bank slip and in the case of payment in cash or in installments.

    Launch and availability

    Sony's next-generation console, the PS5, will be available on Amazon Spanish from November 19th and is already on pre-order for R$4999 in its version with a blu-ray player. When the video game is released, it is likely that the site's stock has already sold out, so get yours now!

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