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    Pokémon Company Says Only 10% of Pokémon Go Was Shown

      Pokémon Go, soon after its launch, became a worldwide fever. However, over the months, he ended up being abandoned by many players and losing space in the media. Even so, the game, which aims to take players out into the streets to hunt for kitties, has maintained a loyal following.

      Until then, many new features have arrived for Pokémon Go, such as raids for catching rare monsters, second generation Pokémon and other news. The Pokémon Company recently said that 90% of the game is still unexplored.

      Pokémon Company Says Only 10% of Pokémon Go Was Shown

      Pokémon Go

      "We've only achieved 10 percent of what Pokémon [Company] and Niantic [Labs.] are trying to do, so going forward we'll have to include core Pokémon experiences like monster trading, peer-to-peer battles, and other possibilities," said Tsunekazu Ishihara, an executive at the Pokémon Company.

      Tips for starting well and evolving fast in Pokémon GO This means that the most radical changes to the game are yet to come, with functions requested by fans of the game. In the interview, Ishihara also commented on the location of the little monsters and the social problems related to the topic:

      "Depending on the location, there are many pokemons with different characteristics. So what should we do with them in the real world? One point of view is to have cold pokemons in milder climates, but then that means people born on tropical islands won't be able to catch them. So we're always thinking about how to find the balance between the game's interface, the existence of pokemons, and how players feel about their collections. Right now, if you make Electric-type pokemons spawn at power plants, it's a really good idea to find it there — is it safe, and is it regionally correct? We see that as a real problem."

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      Ishihara said that because it is a game that interacts with the real world, Pokémon Go can cause social disturbances, such as some types of accidents.

      "On the other hand, [Pokémon GO] created a lot of social problems. When multiple people band together, it causes mass confusion. Also, this is not limited by Pokémon GO, but the problem of walking while looking at the smartphone is what we have to focus and think about."

      Well, given these statements, the game should still reveal great surprises. Let's wait!

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