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    Pragmata, game announced by Capcom for 2022, is delayed to 2023

    Pragmata, game announced by Capcom for 2022, is delayed to 2023

    Further adding to the list of postponements in 2021, Pragmata is another title that will be released later than originally planned. The postponement of the title was announced by Capcom itself, responsible for the game. Previously slated to arrive in 2022, Pragmata will be released sometime in 2023, without a specific date having been revealed by the developers. Announced in 2020, the game drew attention for presenting really impressive graphics.

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    Pragmata adiado para 2023

    In a year with so many delays, Capcom announced Pragmata's one creative and cute way, "appeating" to the hearts of players waiting for the title. The game's delay was announced with a trailer that begins with a close-up of a mysterious little girl's eyes. Visibly embarrassed, the girl looks straight into the camera when it's furthest away and then holds up a sign, showing 2022 crossed out and showing that the new release year is 2023.

    In that cute postponement announcement, there's still an apology... all right Capcom and cute little girl, you're sorry! Check out the video below.

    More about Pragmata

    Pragmata is a game set in a dystopian future, with little information revealed so far. In addition to the mysterious little girl, we know that the game will also have the presence of a cyborg, an astronaut and even the hologram of a cat. However, plot and gameplay details have not yet been revealed to the public.

    The action game should be released only for the new generation of consoles and PC. It is not yet possible to say how much new information we will have about the title.

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