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    Previously announced Bethesda games will still be released for PlayStation

    Previously announced Bethesda games will still be released for PlayStation

    Since Microsoft's announcement of the purchase of ZeniMax, the owner of Bethesda, by Microsoft, there has been a lot of discussion on the matter. Several players began to question the launch of Bethesda games on Sony consoles, believing that the deal with Microsoft could change the planning of some titles, making them exclusive to Xbox consoles.

    In September of last year, Phil Spencer revealed that the agreements made before the deal between ZeniMax and Microsoft would be maintained, including stating that the GhostWire and Deathloop games will remain temporary PlayStation 5 exclusives. In addition, the boss of the green side of the force said that future Bethesda games will be available for Xbox, PC and other consoles in which each case will be analyzed, implying that it is possible that Microsoft will allow the launch of new titles also for Sony consoles.

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    New confirmation of Bethesda games on Sony consoles

    Now, during an interview with the French channel SebSSol Live, Herve Gengler, developer at PlayGround Games, stated that Bethesda games that have already been announced for PlayStation will still be released, without any changes.

    Gengler said Microsoft wouldn't suddenly stop something that was already in development, saying the company doesn't want to take the game out of a community because it bought a new studio.

    "The studios were already in their development cycle and this is a message that Microsoft communicates all the time, they are not going to suddenly stop the development of a version for PlayStation. If your game is multiplatform, they will not say that now It's an Xbox exclusive game. They have a long-term strategy and they don't want to take the game away from a community because they bought the studio."

    ZeniMax purchase not yet approved

    Although the deal is already considered right by many players, the purchase of ZeniMax has not yet been finalized.

    Recently, the European Union announced that it will decide on March 5 whether the deal will be finalized or not. If the European Union understands that the purchase may be against competition law, a full-scale investigation could be launched.

    When a merger or acquisition occurs, regulators have the right to prevent the deal from taking place if it could be a threat to competition.

    Learn more about it here.

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