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    PUBG CEO comments on Sony's rigor for PS4 games

      The game PlayerUnknowns's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a great success for Xbox One and also for PC, having collaborated to beat the record of active users simultaneously. However, PlayStation 4 users are still waiting for the game to be released for Sony's console. The expectation was that the game would be released by the end of last year, which ended up not happening.

      Apparently, one of the reasons for the delay in the launch of PUBG, according to the CEO of PUBG Corp, Chang Han Kim, is precisely the difficulty of meeting all the quality requirements required by Sony to make the title available on the PlayStation Store. . To complete, Kim spoke in a recent interview, the good phase of the game for Xbox One. See below:

      PUBG CEO comments on Sony's rigor for PS4 games

      PUBG CEO comments on Sony's rigor for PS4 games


      • Minimum requirements to play PUBG on PC
      • PUBG: “The day has come”, check out the latest patch 1.0 notes
      "I had a conversation with Japanese journalists and they said it's an incredible feat considering the title is for PC. However, as you know, the console market in Japan is 10 times bigger and most of these players play on PlayStation. I'm not sure if it's because PUBG was released exclusively on Xbox One, but I'm told that the PC and Xbox One markets in Japan are growing significantly.

      As it's been an Xbox One exclusive title for some time, we'd like to focus on completing the PUBG version on Xbox for now. If given the opportunity, the ultimate goal would be to launch the title on every platform.

       Early Access on Steam and Game Preview on Xbox One are preliminary versions, which do not have a quality restriction. However, PlayStation is very strict about this. There have been cases where a game took another 6 months to release [on Sony's console] even when it was already complete. We are still at the stage of learning the console development environment and the taste of PS4 gamers. We will consider other platforms after evaluating and completing the Xbox One version first."

      I'm sure many PlayStation 4 owners are looking forward to the game's arrival. We hope it doesn't take too long.

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