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    Resident Evil Village: Lady Dimitrescu will pursue Ethan with determination!

    Resident Evil Village: Lady Dimitrescu will pursue Ethan with determination!

    The latest Resident Evil Showcase has considerably increased the hype of players by revealing a new trailer for Village, as well as other interesting news has also been shared. With the game getting closer and closer, the news keep coming. Now, an official post from PlayStation has brought a terrifying revelation - or exciting for some fans... -, as a video shows that Lady Dimitrescu will chase players in the same way as Mr. X and Nemesis do in RE 2 and 3 respectively.

    In the PlayStation Blog post, it is possible to see Ethan fleeing through the castle while the villain pursues him with the same determination as the enemies mentioned above.

    Showing the character in her pursuit, the video shows what the character's involvement will be in Resident Evil Village's gameplay, although the material does not indicate whether Ethan will be able to deal damage to stun the villain for some time. Anyway, now we know that the character, in addition to being important in the plot of Village, will also be directly linked to its gameplay, probably being an enemy that will appear with some frequency in the game.

    While some players were intimidated to know that the character will pursue Ethan in a determined way, others insist on the jokes about the villain, stating that perhaps her intention is not even to run away from Dimitrescu. Such jokes have taken over the internet since the character's revelation, so many memes and fanarts were created, with the character becoming very popular among players.

    Resident Evil Village is coming

    Resident Evil Village will be released on May 7th, with Spanish dubs. Prior to that, the game will have a PlayStation-exclusive demo on April 24th and another available for all platforms on May XNUMXst.

    Recently, PlayStation players were able to check out a 30-minute demo in the village, which became available on April 17th and ended at dawn on the 18th.

    Want to know more about Lady Dimitrescu, her daughters and other information? Then check out our special article on Resident Evil Village!

    Resident Evil Village: All about Lady Dimitrescu, plot, information and more
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