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    Resident Evil Village: Map and Mother Miranda Details Revealed!

    With Resident Evil Village coming, more and more new things are coming to excite fans. Now, IGN has brought new details about the map of the new title, as well as revealing a little more about Mother Miranda, the mysterious character who promises to be the great villain of Village.

    Check out the game map below.

    Resident Evil Village: Map and Mother Miranda Details Revealed!


    The map has four locations that are marked by emblems. These locations are the big "houses" in the game, probably with each one representing a stage of the journey and a big boss fight. One of these four locations is Lady Dimitrescu's castle. In addition, on the map it is also possible to see other places such as a factory and a lake, which will be home to a creature similar to Del Lago from Resident Evil 4.

    It's also been said that each area will introduce new enemies and mechanics. Director Morimasa Sato stated that inside the village it is important to continue offering surprises to the players.

    "When you hear the word "village", you can imagine quaint houses lining a street, but that's not really enough to build a game. Especially in a horror game, I think it's important to keep providing new experiences along the way. . Within the village, it is important to continue offering new surprises to the player."

    The director also said that snow is not only used as a visual effect, but also functions as gameplay elements. Sato cited an unusual cold snap during the team's research as inspiration for utilizing snow in the game.

    "We went to Europe to research during the spring of a year, but due to an unusual cold snap, the scenery was covered in snow. This inspired us to implement snow landscapes in our game. We used snow not only for visual presentation, but as well as gameplay elements."

    mother Miranda

    As many fans have believed, the masked character in a recent Village poster really is Mother Miranda. Resembling the figure of Lord Saddler, Mother Miranda is seen as a deity by the villagers.

    The director didn't want to reveal too much about the mysterious character, but stated her importance in the game.

    "For Mother Miranda, I think it's best for players to find out for themselves as they play. But I'll say this: Mother Miranda and her character's inner side are extremely important factors in the game."

    Resident Evil Village: Map and Mother Miranda Details Revealed!

    The poster that revealed Mother Miranda.

    In the poster, Mother Miranda appears wearing a mask similar to a crow's beak. Morimasa Sato mentioned that crows are an important symbol in Village, even serving as the game's theme, so they were also used when creating the character's look.

    "The mask resembles a crow's beak. As a symbol of terror, crows serve as a theme for Resident Evil Village in its entirety as well, and they appear in the actual game. As it has a symbolic role within the village, we implemented the same design theme for Mother Miranda."

    Resident Evil Village launches on May 7th for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Google Stadia, and PC.

    Check out our special article to get ready for the game's launch!

    Resident Evil Village: All about Lady Dimitrescu, plot, information and more
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