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    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library

    Table of Contents
    1. Heroes never die!
    2. Many heroes and many combat modes
    3. Overwatch no Switch
    4. Epic disputes on the Nintendo Switch

    After many rumors and speculations, finally one of the most titles in the first-person multiplayer genre, Overwatch, arrives at Nintendo Switch. From the same creators of successful series like Diablo e Warcraft, the Blizzard managed to bring all the heroes of this exciting and fun universe to Nintendo's hybrid console.

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library

    We had access to a personal copy of Overwatch protocols for Nintendo Switch and, after a few days of intense gaming, we bring you a complete analysis of how this multiplayer game that marked this generation looked on the screen of the small (but powerful) console of Nintendo!

    Heroes never die!

    Who knew this day would finally come? THE Blizzard, a traditionally PC-centric company, broke its nearly twenty-year hiatus from having a game on a PC console. Nintendo (as Starcraft, For Nintendo 64) when launching Diablo III last year. After making this version a reality, rumors about Overwatch be the next title to reach the Switch started to gain strength.

    As the Blizzard was satisfied enough with Diablo's performance, nothing better than bringing his popular FPS multiplayer protocols for Switch. As you can probably guess, this version is far from the ideal way to play. Overwatch due to some performance issues in the Nintendo Switch, but the flexibility it offers on a smaller device is nonetheless a compelling reason to opt for this port.

    For those who aren't inside Overwatch (and probably lived under a rock or inside a cave), the game has and doesn't have a story. While in other media, such as comics and short films published online, there is a detailed delve into this futuristic world, this story isn't explored much in the game. Instead, it just serves as a backdrop that is occasionally seen in character lines and items. 

    Basically the story of Overwatch starts with the Omnic Crisis, an uprising of AI-powered machines that was suppressed by an international organization called Overwatch, made up of countless heroes. After the revolution, the group disbanded, but 'recent' terrorist acts by an organization called the Talon and the threat of a second Omnic Crisis spurred the former heroes to take up their weapons again and save the world.

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    Genji, one of the main heroes in Overwatch

    Even if the story is just an almost superfluous element in Overwatch, it serves as inspiration to make each character's excellent design distinct. THE Blizzard did a fantastic job of creating a subtle and complex story for all the heroes that manages to clearly differentiate them from one another.

    The range of different characters you can play in Overwatch it's impressive. This is a game where you can play as a soldier with a powerful rifle or as a smiling hamster piloting a giant ball-shaped mechanism. There's a hero for just about any playstyle you can imagine, from tanks, damage, and support.

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    Hanzo, Genji's brother in the story

    Many heroes and many combat modes

    The one who considers Overwatch as just a simple multiplayer FPS will be underestimating the game. Each hero has a specific set of abilities that are governed by cooldowns. That way, knowing how to read the terrain and predict your opponents' strategies to find out when to use certain skills will make the difference between victory and defeat. 

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    If you know how to use your ultimate skill at the right time, your team will have many advantages

    In addition to the “Battle Royale” Mode, Overwatch also has a collection of secondary modes in “Arcade” where you can play a rotating selection of more experimental game types as well as seasonal content.

    Until the end of October, players will be able to put their skills to the test in a defense match against an army of robot-zombies in "Junkenstein's Revenge!". Best of all, if you participate or win multiple matches in this special game mode, you can win boxes with special themed items!

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    In Overwatch it doesn't matter what skin you use, it's your skill with a character

    Overwatch no Switch

    As it is a modified version for the Nintendo Switch, many wonder how Overwatch holds up to the humble hardware of Nintendo's hybrid console. The reality is that there are some limitations in the game, but unlike the PC version and other consoles, Overwatch runs on Switch at a fixed 30 FPS (both in handheld and docked mode). 

    That drop in framerate is definitely felt, along with the simpler textures and character models. Even so, the Blizzard did a pretty solid job of keeping the experience consistent and smooth without sacrificing gameplay.

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    If you find that the aim is not good with the Switch's analog sticks, try enabling motion controls or use a Pro Controller

    Loading at the start of a match takes some time as character models are briefly replaced with floating orbs, but otherwise nothing significantly affects the way you play. However, the drop to 30FPS combined with the limited stick travel of the Switch's Joy-Cons makes aiming a little more difficult. A workaround for this problem is to use motion controls or opt for a Pro Controller that has a much better response to commands.

    Unfortunately, this version of the game cannot be recommended if your goal is to play it only on TV. Performance is good, but considering you can easily pick it up on other platforms and get a better experience, it's worth investing in the console or PC version. 

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    Despite running at only 30 FPS, the game remains fluid and with good gameplay

    however, play Overwatch in portable mode it proves to be a pleasant experience due to the ease of access, allowing the player to take their games and heroes wherever they want. As long as there is WiFi, you can play Overwatch anywhere, and while it's not an ideal way to play (if you're looking for a more competitive experience) it's pretty hard to beat this level of easy access. The good news is that the service of Nintendo Switch Online is working very well together with the servers of the Blizzard to provide start-ups without delays or connection drops.

    One last negative point that needs to be mentioned about this version of the game (and that veterans of Overwatch will certainly complain) is that you should start over with a clean account when playing the game on Switch. Even connecting your account from Blizzard with this version of the game, your progress and items on other platforms will not be loaded in Switch. Say goodbye to the chance to use that favorite skin or animation of yours.

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    You know that favorite character skin of yours? Say goodbye to her in the Nintendo Switch version of the game

    Epic disputes on the Nintendo Switch

    The version of Overwatch protocols for Nintendo Switch is far from the best experience that the game of Blizzard can offer. Those who somehow still haven't played it could easily buy a better performing version on other platforms. Even so, having the ability to play a game of Overwatch anywhere with the kind of flexibility offered by the portability of Switch it is not something to be underestimated. 

    REVIEW: Overwatch for Switch is yet another great addition to the console's library
    Choose your favorite character and join the fight!

    Furthermore, considering that the Blizzard offers new content all the time for the game for free, it remains a good purchase on any platform for those who like good fun, adrenaline and competition between friends or other players.

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