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    Riot Games hints at new Colossus in League of Legends (LoL)

      League of Legends (LoL) developer Riot Games recently hinted at what the next LoL champion might be. The newest colossus is expected to debut after the release of Aphelios, on live servers. This weekend, fans of the title began to post images reporting that they received them via email from the company responsible for the game.

      Each player received only one image, where it was part of a set of images that provided information citing the abilities of the new champion. Check out the names and abilities below:

      • Q: Fist, Meet Face (Fist, Meet Face)
      • W: Catch These Hands
      • E: Bust 'Em Up
      • A: Let's Give 'Em a Show

      However, unfortunately, in the images there was no description of the abilities, each image had a sketch of one or more champions taking blows to the face. When analyzing the images, it seems that the fighter uses boxing techniques.

      Riot gave a hint written in the email sent to users, where it said about the new character:

      "This new champion will get along right in the middle of a fight, laughing as he gets hit hit after hit and then fighting back furiously, unleashing all the aggression stored in his enemies' faces"

      In the emails sent, the attached images had a small letter-like item, similar to the image discovered by the surrenderat20 website. The item was named "Sett's business card" and as described, the piece could only be opened on January 14th. By linking one image with the other, it is believed that the name of the new character could be Sett.

      Riot Games hints at new Colossus in League of Legends (LoL)

      "Sett's Business Card" item. Source: surrenderat20

      According to dotesports, more information is likely to be revealed next week.

      What did you think of the rumors that surfaced about LoL's new champion? Comment below and share your opinion with us.

      Source: dotesports

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