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    Senate Education, Culture and Sport Commission approves eSports regulation

      E-sports are competitive activities involving video games, computer and other equipment.

      According to the project, electronic sports, when practiced in a professional manner, will observe national and international rules accepted by the sports administration entities.

      For the author of the project, Senator Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA), sports disputes in virtual environments offer, as well as traditional sports, means of "socialization, fun and learning".

      The senator points out that the practice can contribute to improving the intellectual capacity and strengthening the reasoning and motor skills of the participants. And he stressed that electronic games should not be confused with electronic sports, the real object of the proposal.

      Senate Education, Culture and Sport Commission approves eSports regulation

      Senator Leila Barros (PSB-DF) is not in favor of recognizing esports as a sport.

      During the PL session, Senator Leila Barros even said "This is not sport", but later, through a note, she informed that "she understands the relevance of the electronic games market and respects sponsors, clubs, teams and everyone who invests time and money in this activity".

      And he also made a point of adding that he "is concerned about the possible incentive to competitions of extremely violent games", being this point "a legitimate concern and that deserves to be brought to the process of building the regulation".

      The rapporteur on the Education, Culture and Sport Commission, Senator Eduardo Gomes (MDB-TO) recommended the approval of the text as it came from the Science, Technology, Innovation, Communication and Information Technology Commission (CCT).

      There, the substitute, made by Senator Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), then a member of the collegiate, reformulated the original text to make it more harmonious with the provisions of Law 9.615, of 1998, which establishes general rules on sport.

      Senate Education, Culture and Sport Commission approves eSports regulation

      Eduardo Gomes (MDB-TO)

       Eduardo Gomes explained that electronic sports are now a source of income for thousands of athletes around the world, who had their careers in football, volleyball and other sports ended many times prematurely.

      With the development of electronic sports games, it is possible to see families gathered even in gymnasiums, around competitions, generating income and resources.

      The rapporteur highlighted that electronic sport is not just violence, as, according to him, he wanted to make believe the video presented to the commission by Senator Eduardo Girão (Podemos-CE).

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      The rapporteur made two improvements:

      • He withdrew from the proposal, considering the vice of injuridicity, the creation of the Electronic Sports Day.
      • And he accepted Eduardo Girão's suggestion, so that the game with violent content, of a sexual nature, that spreads a message of hate, prejudice or discrimination or that makes an apology for the use of drugs is not considered electronic sport. This classification, however, will be made by presidential decree.

      "It is not a text of law that will define which game can be played, because it would be illegal to define that a company that builds a game can and another cannot. The purpose of the law is more authoritative, and the presidential decree will define the limits each one", explained Roberto Rocha.

      The text goes to the Chamber of Deputies, if there is no appeal for analysis of the proposal in plenary.

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