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    Shadow of The Tomb Raider gets a trailer and is available for pre-order

      One of the most awaited games of the moment has finally arrived! Shadow of The Tomb Raider had its trailer released and is now on pre-order, with lots of information about the new adventures of Lara Croft, marking the end of the trilogy started in 2013 with Rise of The Tomb Raider.

      The game is from Square Enix and created by a team of veteran Tomb Raider developers in Eidos-Montréal and in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics. The game will only be available on the 14th of September this year for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC devices. But for those who are a big fan, it is on pre-sale for prices ranging from R$179,00 to R$209,32, depending on the edition, which will be three: Standard, Digital Deluxe and Croft & Ultimate.

      In the trailer we can see that Lara must run and fight to save the world from a Mayan apocalypse, in a scenario of jungle and rivers where she will need to swim between crevices and deep tunnel systems. It's a scene of survival and adaptation with the jungle that surrounds it.

      Shadow of The Tomb Raider gets a trailer and is available for pre-order

      Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Photo: Disclosure)

      Lara must also discover dark and frightening tombs, which require advanced traversal techniques to reach the end. And when she's already inside, the character is faced with deadly puzzles. According to the Steam community, Lara needs to discover a hidden city where the player explores the biggest hub space ever found in a Tomb Raider game.

      Shadow of The Tomb Raider gets a trailer and is available for pre-order

      Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Photo: Disclosure)

      The information from those who have played it is that Lara from Shadow of The Tomb Raider is more mature, as each choice she makes will define who she is as a person. Much more calculating and without patience with her enemies, the character finds herself discovering new ways of survival, which makes her more rational and stronger.

      The places displayed in the game's scenery started with the Island of Cozumel, in Mexico, and headed towards Peru, as it is a Mayan apocalypse. Spain was considered as a possible route through Trinity, but did not happen. Even so, the game promises to be very challenging and beautiful, with very detailed and real scenarios. Until then, we wait!

      • Crossover between 'Shadow of the Tomb Raider' and 'Final Fantasy XV' is confirmed
      • Microsoft denies information about Tomb Raider game exclusivity

      Fonte: Steam Community

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