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    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games

    Table of Contents
    1. Action and adventure
      1. devil may cry
      2. Dishonored
      3. DOOM
      4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
      5. Samurai Warriors
      6. Street Fighter
      7. The Last of Us
      8. Yakuza
    2. Strategy
      1. Civilization VI
      2. Command and Conquer: Red Alert 
      3. Into the Breach
      4. XCOM
    3. Interactive
      1. Dear Esther
      2. Heavy Rain
      3. Life is Strange
      4. What Remains of Edith Finch
      5. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
    4. Metroidvania
      1. Castlevania
      2. Hollow Knight
      3. Ori and the Blind Forest
    5. RPG
      1. Chrono Trigger
      2. Dark Souls
      3. Diablo III
      4. Kingdom Hearts
      5. Ni no Kuni
    6. Terror
      1. Alien: isolation
      2. Dead Space
      3. Outlast
      4. resident evil
      5. Silent Hill

    Present in the history of humanity since its beginnings, music is one of the universal aspects capable of uniting people from the most varied cultures and places. Adapted, remodeled, created and recreated according to different periods, it is responsible for enhancing many of the experiences we have already gone through or will go through. Having its presence reinforced in the world of entertainment, it is logical that the game soundtracks could not be left out of this world.

    With that in mind, we separate, by gender, some of the best copies of OST (Original Soundtrack, or original soundtrack, in free translation) from the world of digital games, as well as analyzing their presence on streaming services or their availability on YouTube channels – official, preferably.

    Ah, it's also worth remembering that I'm not the supreme organizer of the universe, so it's obvious that I'm not going to put some famous titles and put others less known, just to try to escape what is already known. Still, feel free to suggest other songs in the comments. Another important reminder is that sometimes I will select songs from a title, other times from a franchise, as it varies a lot.

    Action and adventure

    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Steam and Playstation Store.

    By soundtracks action and adventure games, it is understood that the titles covered range from first-person shooters to the emblematic fighting games, as they were known in the arcade era, through almost quixotic gems of exploration. I know well that the line between action and adventure is fine, but I hope it is possible to discern the reasons that made me put both together and separate others that perhaps belonged here. If not, well, I'm sorry, call it creative freedom.

    devil may cry

    Starting with the pinnacle of action games, the world of game soundtracks wouldn't be the same without the fast and dynamic beats of the franchise. devil may cry. Whether in the first game, when you face the “demon” called Nelo Angelo (no spoilers here, folks), or in the last one, dealing with Sparda's legacy, the soundtrack is impeccable. The most famous names here are producers Masami Ueda and Tetsuya Shibata.

    Of course, there's also the industrial metal band Combichrist, responsible for the OST of the infamous remake, but then it's easier to hear the songs since there's no multi-million production company behind it taking down all the broadcasts that exist. Yes, Capcom, I'm talking about you. Anyway, it's easy to find the tracks on YouTube, like the one I put there, and on Spotify too - Capcom has licensed albums on the official Capcom Sound Team channel on the platform - despite the name of many of them being in Japanese.


    played Dishonored for the first time not so long ago, and the reason was precisely the soundtrack. I remember that a friend recommended the song above saying “be my face” – interpret it however you want – and, after listening to it, I thought the comparison was well made. Considering that the crow is my favorite animal and the protagonist's name is Crow, it could only work.

    With a shadowy and spectral tone, combining sailor songs with the sounds of a decaying city haunted by the plague, the soundtrack of Dishonored contributes to the game being a masterpiece of the past generation (or are we already behind?). Fortunately, it was remastered for the PS4 and, who knows, get a mod for the PS5 too, after all, Sony loves to bet on recreations. 


    The best part of enjoying “extreme” music is listening to the magnificent work of composer Mick Gordon. Also responsible for the sound of the Killer Instinct fighting series, if there's anyone who knows how to play something heavy, it's him. The epitome of his work lies in the most recent games of DOOM, bringing aggressive and sensational beats. BFG Division and The Only Thing They Fear Is You are gems of video game soundtracks.

    To the delight of all of us, the official soundtracks are available on both YouTube and Spotify. If you want to have a few smiles or feel inspired before getting into a fight, also look for videos called When the DOOM soundtrack kicks in. I guarantee you won't regret it.

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    I chose to put only this title at the expense of the conventional franchise for a single reason: what a spectacular song. I remember using Rules of Nature to wake up and drive to college in the morning – a nostalgic nostalgia for pre-pandemic times, when taking the bus and talking to the sleepy conductor was a normal activity and not potentially deadly.

    Anyway, the game's soundtrack is especially attractive for those who like a heavier sound, in the heavy metal style but with elements of j-rock and electronic music. Fortunately, the album Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is available on Spotify, in addition to being easy to find on other internet platforms.

    Samurai Warriors

    I am aware that the Dynasty Warriors franchise, also from Koei Tecmo, producer of Samurai Warriors, is more famous in the west. Even so, both are still niche products, which leads me to this rather unusual suggestion. Over the years, the songs have changed a bit, going from more traditional Japanese beats to rhythms with a clear influence of electronic music.

    Unfortunately, the game's OST is only available on YouTube, and unofficially. On Spotify, Koei's page is limited to sharing old albums from the first Ninja Gaiden. There is no sign of the soundtracks on other platforms, even in Japanese. 

    Street Fighter

    It's good to mix some unknown songs with others already established. It is the case of Street Fighter, whose themes are emblematic for the fighting game world – not only, given the near-mystical popularity of the Guille theme, which has turned into a meme and is used everywhere from parody videos to college papers.

    Fortunately, in addition to being available on YouTube, the soundtracks for several games in the franchise are officially on Spotify – among them, Street Fighter V; Super Street Fighter II Turbo; Street Fighter Alpha 3; and Street Fighter 2. There are those who like to use them to train at the gym, and there are those who like to listen to them throughout the day to avoid (or enhance?) possible confrontations with the boss. Regardless, it's worth remembering.

    The Last of Us

    Obviously, Naughty Dog's dramatic epic couldn't be left out. You might not like the second game for whatever reason, but it's undeniable that composer Gustavo Santaolalla kept the magnificent quality that guaranteed the The Last Of Us a space in the best soundtracks of games.

    Impactful, painful, heavy and, at times, coldly happy, the music that permeates TLOU is one of the most incredible ever made, whether for the perfect harmony with the games' story and ambiance, or for the quality of each piece individually. All honors to Santaolalla, who has proven himself to be a songwriter of the highest caliber. Fortunately, the tracks for both games are officially available on both YouTube and Spotify.


    A série Yakuza, despite not being so famous in the west, it is quite prestigious in Japan. Also known as Ryü ga Gotoku, the franchise is filled with charismatic characters, moments of tension, comedy and drama, in addition to one of the most fun soundtracks in games. Whether playing Kiryu, Majima or Kasuga, entertainment is guaranteed.

    The OST is in charge of Sega's audio team, who kindly made the songs available on Spotify. I recommend starting with Yakuza Kiwami, which is the 2016 remake of the first game, released in the distant year of 2005 in the east and 2006 in the west. In addition to the official playlist, there are also songs that the characters sing in karaoke, so it's sure fun, even more so to sing with friends.


    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Nintendo, Microsoft and EA.

    Sometimes you're so immersed in strategic thinking that you can barely pay attention to the soundtracks running in the background, but that doesn't mean they don't exist and therefore aren't good either. Even, depending on the state the game is in, the songs end up changing and can even give a boost to critical thinking. it's hard to see strategy games winning awards in that regard, but even so there are still good enough tracks to share.

    Civilization VI

    Civilization VI became famous for joining friends in very long competitive matches. Even the fastest ones can last anywhere from 5 to 6 hours, depending on the skill of the players. Worst of all, the game is so good that you don't pay much attention to all that time slipping through your fingers – which is a little worrying too, let's face it.

    In any case, in the midst of this virtual marathon, the soundtracks (along with the omnipresent voice of Sean Bean) serve as an extra companion. They align with the faction played, mixing a more traditional style of music from that country used with more electronic moments. In addition to the link above, the album is on Spotify as well.

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert 

    The C&C series has always been a repository of great music, but the pinnacle was definitely in the franchise's second entry. Red Alert. Personally, I've lost count of how many times I've heard the hymn above to get up, work or simply face the adversities of the capitalist system. How can we forget about the live-action cutscenes too? This game is a masterpiece.

    In any case, the soundtracks are thought-provoking and perfectly match the real-time strategy style of the franchise. Frank Klepacki was responsible for all of them and, thanks to the spirits of the hammer and sickle, made the remastered songs available on Spotify. For those who want to enjoy it, the remastered versions of the games can be purchased on any gaming platform, thankfully.

    Into the Breach

    The game Into the Breach it's a little newer and less well-known than others pointed out here, which makes it one of those hidden gems. It was given away for free by the Epic Games Store not long ago, so if you've saved it in your library, take the chance to try it out.

    The music is by Ben Prunty, who also did the music for the company's first game, Faster than Light (FTL). In either case, the quality held up and added an extra layer of polish to the overall experience. The channel where the video is above is from the musician himself, where he posts several pieces of this and other games – in addition to him, the track can be heard on Spotify as well.


    I was never a big fan of XCOM, probably due to the veracity of those memes where a character points the gun at the enemy's head at close range and the probability of hitting is 70%. Disregarding this recurring unhappiness, the franchise's soundtrack is very good and represents what the game is: space war.

    The soundtrack above is sourced from the official channel – if that's not enough, don't worry, it's also available on Spotify. The curious part is that the composer, Tim Wynn, was part of other strategy games as well, such as Red Faction and Command and Conquer itself.


    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Playstation Store, Steam and Microsoft.

    By interative game, understand that specific range of more artistic games, so to speak, that seek to tell a story and prioritize it over more complex gameplay. The big name in this category is David Cage – yes, I'm aware of the opinion of some who don't consider what he does games, but I don't care. What matters is that, in addition to the titles produced by him, several interesting things have appeared on the market; as we will see below, these are games that boast impeccable soundtracks.

    Dear Esther

    Dear Esther is a game where you just explore an island and read cards. It sounds boring and I imagine that for some people it is. For those who like a well-written and well-directed story, open to interpretation, the title is indispensable – both it and its “sequel”, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, from the same producer.

    Both share not only the producer, but also the songwriter, Jessica Curry, who does a phenomenal job of creating an engaging and mysterious atmosphere. Their soundtrack is available on YouTube and Spotify; are good options for more contemplative moments and to relax a little.

    Heavy Rain

    A milestone in gaming history, Heavy Rain is focused on the narrative of a desperate father trying to beat a serial killer to rescue his son. Problems with the story aside, like that absurd resolution about who the serial killer is, David Cage's game influenced several on this list.

    Above any script slip, the title songs are among the best soundtracks in games. The melancholy and wretched tone of the tracks is overwhelming, making it almost impossible to stay happy throughout the story – which, let's face it, was kind of the purpose of it all. Available on SoundCloud and YouTube, take the opportunity to listen to it in moments of disgust with existence.

    Life is Strange

    I went through a lot of internal debates about where to put Life is Strange, or LiS, for the intimates. In the end I decided to leave it here, as it more or less fits the demographics of interactive games. Having one of the best indie music soundtracks, with renowned artists, the game has been quite successful in recent years and Max Caulfield's adventure is good to follow.

    As with others on the list, the songs relate to the game's events and characters. If you like indie and have a certain inclination towards the melodramatic, I recommend listening. The OST is available on Square Enix's own YouTube playlist, Spotify and Deezer.

    What Remains of Edith Finch

    What Remains of Edith Finch It's probably one of my favorite games. The richness of details, the immersive narrative and the perfect soundtrack are the pinnacle of visual storytelling. Discovering the history of Edith's ancestors and the Finch family wouldn't be so exciting without the songs, carefully selected according to each member's moments and personalities.

    Jeff Russo is the songwriter in charge, and what an amazing job. The mix of emotions, ranging from Molly's Room to Milton's Tower, is, to say the least, overwhelming. Great background trail to sit in the backyard, porch or the like and enjoy the view for a few minutes. Available on YouTube and Spotify, it's easy to find any of the songs.

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    More than a fantasy story written by a little boy, or else a detective narrative, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter it is a thank you to the millions of children who never stopped writing when they were small and who also kept this habit as they got older.

    The musician responsible for bringing the sounds of the game to life was Mikolai Stroinski. The soundtrack is not available on Spotify, but you can find it on YouTube or Amazon Music.


    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Microsoft and Steam.

    The genre was born from the games that created its name: Metroid e Castlevania. You can consider it as a very comprehensive mix of action games with platform games, equipped with RPG elements, generally. Another feature commonly associated with it, but not mandatory, is the presence of an interconnected world, in which the player needs to discover certain powers with the progression of the story to access some parts.


    Living up to at least half of the genre's title, the franchise Castlevania It has one of the most impressive game soundtracks. The various games, with malleable qualities, all hit one point: the music. Produced by a specific team, perhaps the most emblematic is precisely that of the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which is one of the best games ever made.

    Although the last title came out in 2010 and wasn't that great, at least the music from all those years of gaming is still present. A rarity for Japanese companies, almost every game's soundtrack is available on Spotify.

    Hollow Knight

    In terms of beauty, maybe. Hollow Knight just lose to the next game on the list. Still, it's arguably one of the best metroidvanias made in the last decade, all things considered – the music, so I don't even need to say. It has something about it that is very characteristic of the game, almost a peculiar feel.

    Christopher Larkin, the person responsible for this work of art, makes the album available on Spotify, along with the songs from the game's expansions. It's a good choice to listen to while sitting on the couch watching the rain fall outside. 

    Ori and the Blind Forest

    At the time of release, the game was acclaimed for its artistic direction and gameplay. A few years later, a period also known as the present one, it is fundamental to observe that Ori it's an impactful splendor in every way: whether in design, gameplay, narrative or soundtrack. All of this contributed to a beautiful and, also, melancholy game.

    For those who have already played, it's great to revisit the songs, from the opening scene theme to that touching ending. Gareth Coker, composer of both games, made the album available on Spotify, so go give it a listen, whether you're a franchise veteran or someone who's never heard of it.


    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Steam, Microsoft and Epic Games Store.

    My biggest problem in this category is selecting a few songs, because the genre itself deserves an entire story all to itself. Considering the narrative focus, it's no wonder that many of the best soundtracks come from the RPG games, and it's also not surprising that many of them are performed by orchestras around the globe. Anyway, I tried to get a few that were great. You may disagree with the selection, but disagree at home, or expect me to make a gender-specific list.

    Chrono Trigger

    Who in this gaming world hasn't heard of Chrono Trigger? The fantastic RPG released in 1995 marked an era and influenced generations of other games. The only thing I have to say about it is, if you haven't played it, stop reading this immediately and go play it right now.

    Mixing past, present and future, the adventure takes the player to explore the limits of time itself, all together with an impactful and unforgettable soundtrack. Once again Spotify saved us from obligatory piracy, given that soundtracks by Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu and Noriko Matsueda are available there.

    Dark Souls

    It's been almost 10 years since From Software graced us with this perfection in game format that is Dark Souls, which also means that it's been almost 10 years since the series' composer, Motoi Sakuraba, presented us with magnanimous soundtracks. Today the game is already half beaten, but who, at the time, didn't tremble just listening to the music that accompanied the Four Kings boss?

    Of course, that's assuming you didn't wear Havel's armor. In any case, not only the music of this boss, but the music of all of them, are emblematic of a time when Dark Souls reigned absolute in the list of the most difficult games and, also, of when the already classic comparison “looks like Dark Souls ”. Finally, the franchise's soundtrack is available on Spotify.

    Diablo III

    Fulfilling the mandatory quota of western RPG's on the list (could it be The Witcher 3? Yes, but this one is already well beaten), it's Diablo III. Depending on how much you've invested in the game, the soundtrack can be a bit revolting, even more so when your character dies for stupidity and you lose a lot of things. But maybe that's exactly why I put it here.

    Thanks to the shadowy entities of this world, we have the soundtracks available on Spotify, so it's easier to relive that primal hatred that only difficult games can bring out. But hey, at least it's not Path of Exile. 

    Kingdom Hearts

    In 2017, I had the chance to see the orchestra of Kingdom Hearts playing here in São Paulo. Those were the most emotional hours of my life – I remember that when the Xion theme started playing, practically the entire auditorium started to cry, myself included. Not without reason, given that, along with Roxas and Axel, she has one of the saddest stories in the franchise.

    In any case, Dearly Beloved is a recognized anthem for anyone interested in the game. Not only her, of course, but all the other songs, whose quality is impressive. Therefore, it is very easy to find them on the internet, whether on Spotify, YouTube or any streaming platform. 

    Xion, we remember you!

    Ni no Kuni

    By now, my preference for J-RPG's (Japanese RPG's) should have become clear, so here's one more for the list. With the artistic direction of the famous Estúdio Ghibli - which, in itself, already confers a level of quality above the standard -, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of the most underrated entries in the gaming world. Unlike other games that use a system similar to Pokémon, Ni no Kuni manages to be original and practically reinvent the wheel.

    The OST, of course, blends in very well with animations from the world's most famous Japanese studio. Unfortunately, the soundtrack is not available on Spotify by composer Joe Hisaishi, but you can purchase it from Amazon or Apple's music store.


    Some of the most memorable soundtracks in games
    Images: Microsoft, Playstation Store and Amazon.

    Now, here's the best part of the list. Horror games (also called "horror" abroad, but I won't go into the academic merit of differentiating the two) usually have dark soundtracks that seek to make the player apprehensive and paranoid, but this is not the rule. There are melancholic and beautiful compositions in the midst of all the angst too, even more so if we consider survival horror as a subgenre.

    Alien: isolation

    I'll be very honest: this song, when I played Alien: isolation for the first time, it was etched in my memory. It will likely stay that way forever, given that this particular part of the game was a real nightmare. The tension of having to go back to the generator while the space demon itself hunts you around is unforgettable – and hey, why do the scariest parts of games always involve generators?

    The problem with the OST is that it is quite difficult to find on official media. It is not present on Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, Soundcloud or any other legal platform, so to speak. A pity, but what's left is to use YouTube and enjoy as much as possible. In place of the usual links, I leave a link to an interview with one of the composers.

    Dead Space

    One of the highlights of my day was using this soundtrack as an alarm clock to go to college. A little radical? Maybe, but it worked fine. Dead Space is one of the best horror game franchises, and the music, combined with the macabre noises of the necromorphs, is one of the highlights. The game may have gone downhill over the years, even more so without a worthy sequel, but this first title is spectacular in every way.

    Having one of the best soundtracks in digital games of all time, it is a rare stone for lovers of the genre. With a cult of mad people just like Scientology today, and worthy themes for this madness between religious zealots and dismembered creatures, Dead Space deserves a place in every gamer's heart. Oh, the OST is on Spotify too.


    Both the first and second games are endowed with polished soundtracks that add LOTS OF tension to game events. While in the first the songs convey a feeling of paranoia, in the second you are bombarded with chords similar to those played in churches, largely because of the theme developed there.

    Outlast, along with Alien: Isolation, is a great recent example of how horror games can be made well if given the proper attention by developers. Not only how their soundtrack is also usable for other moments besides the game. Try running in the park at night listening to this, I guarantee it will improve your heart rate. Be sure to check Spotify too.

    resident evil

    It's not now that resident evil is famous, regardless of the reasons that led him to this fame. The music in the remakes and remasters improved the already good atmosphere, like that of HUNK. Whether in the main franchise or in a spin-off game, the soundtracks are intense and strong (even the ones from the movies, although that reminder might get me into trouble with more traditionalist fans).

    Capcom has made all albums with the official soundtracks available on Spotify. Maybe I'm missing some more obscure game, but hey, I'm not an expert to count all 50 titles released. Anyway, the most famous are there, like the new version of RE2, RE4, the original RE3 and many others.

    Silent Hill

    The franchise Silent Hill It holds a very large space in my heart. Even though it has gone downhill over the years and been abandoned by Konami, it still represents my favorite games. Fortunately, one of the things that kept the quality up was the music. Whether it's 1, 2, 3, 4, Origins or Downpour, the scores are unbelievably good – largely due in part to the composer, Akira Yamaoka.

    Most of them are also on Spotify! I take advantage of the hook to indicate the other works by Akira Yamaoka, who is a spectacular musician. And I'm rooting for the franchise to be reestablished one day.

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