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    Sony confirms Disney Plus, Netflix and Spotify will be on PS5 at launch

    Sony confirms Disney Plus, Netflix and Spotify will be on PS5 at launch

    If you have plans to use your future PS5 not only to play your games, but also to use streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify, know that Sony's next-generation console will natively support the most popular apps for each Internet content transmission category. Today Sony confirmed via the Playstation Blog that the following apps will be available on the Playstation 5 when it launches on November 19 in Spain: Apple TV Plus, Disney Plus, Netflix, Spotify, Twitch and YouTube.

    Check out the tweet from the official profile of Playstation Spain on Twitter below:

    ✔️ Apple TV
    ✔️ Netflix
    ✔️ Twitch
    ✔️ YouTube

    Details on the entertainment apps that will be available for #PS5 from launch:

    — PlayStation Espanha (@PlayStation_BR) October 22, 2020

    According to Sony, in addition to making the applications mentioned above available for use on the PS5, the Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Peacock streaming platforms will also be made available, but an exact date has not been revealed. It is not yet known why, but HBO Max is not present in the list of applications that will be present on the PS5. Strangely, the Crunchyroll app will be on the Playstation 5 and the anime streaming company belongs to the HBO group.

    PS5 media remote has 4 mystery buttons function revealed

    In addition to announcing the streaming services that will be available on the PS5, Sony has confirmed that the four buttons located on the bottom of the PS5's media remote will be used for Disney Plus, Netflix, Spotify and YouTube services. The remote control will be released on the same day as the Playstation 5 debut in Spain, but will be sold separately.

    With the big launch day for Sony's next-gen console approaching, the Japanese game developer is showing more and more news about the PS5. Stay tuned for more news!

    Did you like to know about the streaming services that will be available on the Playstation 5 at its launch? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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