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    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    The Square Enix studio this week released new information about their long-awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake game. Among the revelations, there are images of Sephirot, members of the Shinra Electric Power Company, new episodes (The Train Graveyard), the Shinra building, among others.

    Square Enix reveals new character and background images

    Check out the news revealed by the developer of FFVII Remake below:

    new looks

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    New FFVII Remake visuals. Source: Square Enix


    Sephiroth (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in Japanese audio)

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Sephiroth. Fonte: Square Enix

    This is one of the favorite characters of many in Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth is known as the best member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit. His heroic deeds during the war with Wutai made him a hero, leading many young people to join SOLDIER.

    Rumor has it that Sepiroth died during a top-secret mission, however there may be more to the story than most people know.

    Shinra Electric Power Company

    President Shinra (voiced by Genzou Wakayama in Japanese audio)

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Presidente Shinra. Fonte: Square Enix

    The current president of Shinra Electric Power Company, through his skills, made the company raise its bar, from a small arms manufacturer to an extremely powerful conglomerate.

    Even if there is generosity with his allies, the president becomes someone else when it comes to negotiations, being very cruel. The company manager is capable of using very aggressive tactics to make a profit (eliminating anyone who tries to get in the way).

    Heidegger (voiced by Katsumi Chou in Japanese audio)

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Heidegger. Fonte: Square Enix

    Private Heidegger has been President Shinra's right-hand man since the company's inception. His level of cruelty is as great as that of his boss and he will do anything to get what he wants, even sacrificing his teammates.

    Roche (voiced by Kenta Miyake in Japanese audio)

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Roche. Fonte: Square Enix

    A 3-C soldier, Roche has also become a rebel and is called the Speed ​​Demon. His passion boils down to motorcycles, speed and challengers. However, his companions find him annoying.

    Battle Introduction: Aerith

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Aerith atacando. Fonte: Square Enix

    These screenshots show us the character Aerith during a fight. Pressing the square button will make her fire a ranged magic attack. There is also the option of pressing the square several times or keeping it pressed, there will be the possibility of carrying out successive attacks (the greater the number of targets hit, the greater the coverage of the attack).

    Unique skills

    By pressing the triangle button, Aerith will reveal her unique ability, the "Tempest". You can also gather attack energy by holding down the triangle button, where upon reaching its maximum charge, it will repeatedly explode after hitting the enemy.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Aerith using the "Tempest" skill. Source: Square Enix

    The skill "Soul Drain" causes Aerith to absorb MP from an enemy. As its strong point is its magic attacks, using this ability will be necessary during more difficult fights.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Aerith using the "Soul Drain" skill. Source: Square Enix

    The "Lustrous Shield" ability allows Aerith to create a magical barrier, keeping enemies away and blocking projectiles. If the enemy comes into contact with the shield, it will take damage.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Aerith using the "Lustrous Shield" ability, a protective magic shield. Source: Square Enix


    FFVII Remake characters can summon Materia (orbs allow summoning a powerful ally during the fight).


    Known as the ice queen, Shiva skates across the battlefield manipulating the air and freezing enemies instantly. When summoned, the creature will fight automatically, but there is the possibility of issuing orders for it to use its special abilities. An example is the "Heavenly Strike" attack which creates a large glacier that falls on your opponent.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Shiva using the "Heavenly Strike" attack. Source: Square Enix

    Shiva's summon has a limited duration, and it is shown through a gauge that when it is empty, the creature will disappear. However, shortly before they depart, the powerful special attack is deferred. In the case of the ice queen, the attack is called "Diamond Dust", which envelops all enemies in ice and destroys them.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Shiva using his "Diamond Dust" attack. Source: Square Enix

    New story episodes

    In Final Fantasy VII Remake, the developers used many locations from the original game, redesigned and reinterpreted them to add more depth to the story, which is now more detailed, with more dialogue, more episodes and shows a better portrayal of citizens' lives.

    The Train Graveyard

    The Train Graveyard is one of the examples of places that have undergone a reinterpretation. The environment was used during the construction of Midgar and is now a junkyard of old, abandoned trains. Strong winds make the rusty carts make strange, high-pitched sounds, echoing in the wind. In the original version of the game, there is no dialogue in this part, but in the Remake, there are conversations between characters as they explore the wreckage.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Scenery from The Train Graveyard. Source: Square Enix

    The Shinra building

    Another area of ​​the game is the headquarters of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a 70-story skyscraper located in downtown Midgar. On the top floors you will see the offices of President Shinra and his directors. There is also the Memorial Floor, where you can see the history of Shinra.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Shinra Building, headquarters of Shinra Electric Power Company. Source: Square Enix

    Inside the building still, you could head to the Visual Entertainment Hall to check out the latest technology being demonstrated. There is also the Relaxation Floor, to relax.

    Square Enix Studio Reveals New Information About Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Relaxation Floor in the Shinra building. Source: Square Enix

    Final Fantasy VII Remake will be released on March 3, 2020 for Playstation 4.

    Source: Square Enix

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