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    Study shows that playing Minecraft can greatly stimulate your creativity

      When analyzing the popular game Minecraft , the basis of which is the creation of new worlds and structures, the researchers found that players became more creative afterwards.

      There was one exception among these players, however, indicating that not all people who play the game go through the same experience.

      Minecraft encourages creativity a lot, giving players essentially a blank canvas on which any structure can be created - from the basic to the very complex.

      The study also found that when determining what people should create, they scored lower than the group of people who had free creation within the game.

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      Study shows that playing Minecraft can greatly stimulate your creativity

      Minecraft stimulates your creativity

      Minecraft: Minimum requirements to play on PC in 2022 However, the increase in creativity is not just limited to Minecraft, other games can also stimulate and make players more creative. The researchers pointed out that many video games include at least some secondary element that requires creativity, the simple act of having players customize a character within the game already creates this stimulus.

      Iowa State University psychology professor Douglas Gentile explained: "Not only can Minecraft help induce creativity, but there seems to be something about choosing the game and what you create in it."

      It was unclear why study participants who were told to be creative later were less creative.

      The study's lead author, Jorge Blanco-Herrera, said players may have limited their actions in the game simply because they were told "be creative." There's even a line in the study that points out that players "may also have used up all of their 'creative fluids' during the game," Blanco-Herrera said, "and later didn't show an increase in creativity at the time of completing the test." .

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