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    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    The video game industry is a very profitable business and home consoles have sold tens of millions of units worldwide with each release for decades. How well each console sold is a big measure of what went well during that particular generation. It's an effective way to gauge the success of a specific manufacturer, while also seeing what gamers want, and whether a console has ingenious and innovative features or ideas that actually work.

    Before getting into the best-selling consoles, it's important to note that this list does not include dedicated handheld devices. These numbers do not take into account sales of used systems, as manufacturers have no way of tracking these transactions (and, in any case, do not make a profit from them). The data used for this ranking were officially communicated by their companies and refer to April 2020.

    10. Xbox One

    Units sold: 46 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Xbox One - Image: Disclosure

    It might be surprising, but despite "losing" the current generation, Microsoft still did well with the Xbox One. Even after a rocky start following the console's reveal in 2013, the Xbox One was able to turn things around thanks to its many consumer-friendly features like Xbox Game Pass, Play Anywhere, and Games with Gold. Microsoft has not publicly announced the console's exact sales figures, but an estimated 46 million have been sold since its launch seven years ago.

    9. Super Nintendo Entertainment System

    Units sold: 50 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Image: Disclosure

    Many gamers have a soft spot for the SNES - a system that featured some of the most beloved games of all time. Games like Super Mario Kart, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Metroid and Super Mario World are just some of the titles you might remember. It took most of what the original NES did well and improved it, giving its audiences exciting and memorable 16-bit experiences. While it didn't sell as well as the NES, it still sold respectably, and we owe a lot to what that system was able to do back in 1991.

    8.Nintendo Switch

    Units sold: 55 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Nintendo Switch - Image: Disclosure

    While the Switch will play in handheld mode, we're counting on it as a home console - especially since it's the main system Nintendo currently supports. It's one of the most unique consoles in history, giving your audience the ability to take it anywhere, play at home, or play in tabletop mode with friends. Not only did it outsold the Xbox One, SNES and others, but it did so in record time. According to Nintendo, games for the Switch will continue to be released for at least another three years, so it has the potential to pass the coveted 100 million mark. With incredible experiences like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and even third-party games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it's easy to see why it did so well.

    7.Nintendo Entertainment System

    Units sold: 61 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    The classic Nintendo Entertainment System - Image: Disclosure

    Video games wouldn't be what they are today without the NES. At the time, it gave consumers a way to have arcade experiences at home and revolutionized the idea of ​​video games in general. While home consoles existed before that, it was this machine that put them on the map, giving people a way to play games at home at an affordable price. It was also the beginning of many franchises we love today, like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and Mega Man. Other consoles have passed it on in sales, but its impact is as important today as it was over 35 years ago.

    6. Xbox 360

    Units sold: 85 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Xbox 360 Slim - Image: Disclosure

    Much like the NES and SNES before it, the Xbox 360 revolutionized the way we play. It popularized HD visuals, providing consumers with incredible experiences that continue to this day. While other consoles had online functionality before it, the Xbox 360 made online console games much more popular. But the games are what really make this machine shine. Titles like Gears of War, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3, BioShock and Mass Effect are just some of the impressive games on this system. Considering how easily the original Xbox sold, Microsoft hit gold with the Xbox 360.

    5. Playstation 3

    Units sold: 86 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Ps3 in Fat and Slim versions - Image: Disclosure

    Like the Xbox One, the PS3 got off to a rocky start. Telling your audience to get a second job to buy a $600 machine, which was sold in Spain at its launch for up to R$8 at retail, was definitely not the way to go, but Sony managed to change it. things to sell more than the Xbox 360. The price of the console in Spain dropped to R$2 (which was still not cheap at the time, with the minimum wage being R$350 in 2006. The PS3, however, had fantastic ideas, but once again, it was the games that resonated with its audience. At its height, the console was releasing indie titles like Journey, Hotline Miami, and Guacamelee!, and its experiences like the Uncharted trilogy, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5 and The Last of Us have given their audience a reason to buy the console.Although it has its shortcomings, the PS3 is an important reference in the history of video games.

    4.Nintendo Wii

    Units sold: 101 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Nintendo Wii - Image: Disclosure

    There was nothing like it with the Wii. It was a system grandma could play. Everyone wanted one, and for the first two years after release, it was sold everywhere. While it was aimed at a wider audience, with a focus on casual experiences like Wii Sports and Wii Fit, the system still had a handful of games for "core" gamers. The Super Mario Galaxy games are still considered some of the greatest of all time, while entries like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are fondly remembered today. Say what you will about the gimmicky motion controls - the Wii was a behemoth that managed to surpass 101 million units sold, but it failed to keep up with game releases for its competitors and the increasingly heavy graphics.

    3 Play Station

    Units sold: 102 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Playstation - Image: Disclosure

    The original PlayStation (as we know it) almost didn't happen. At the time, Nintendo and PlayStation were in talks to partner for the 64-bit console generation, but that never happened. And we're glad it didn't. Sony started creating the PlayStation, which is the console many of us grew up with. It featured a range of landmark titles such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Resident Evil, Tekken, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII. As one of the first disc-based consoles, it gave its users a way to listen to music through CDs, which likely boosted its sales, leading to over 102 million units sold.

    2. Playstation 4

    Units sold: 108 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Ps4 - Image: Disclosure

    Sony got off to a good start with the PS4. From the beginning of its lifecycle in 2013, the message was clear, the price was right, and the games were (and still are) monumental. It expanded on ideas introduced with the PS3, with a greater focus on online fidelity and user experience. Its game lineup is arguably one of the strongest in history, with the likes of Bloodborne, God of War, Marvel's Spider-Man, Red Dead Redemption 2, Persona 5, Uncharted 4, and Horizon Zero Dawn all captivating audiences. What's fascinating is that the PS4 still has some time left in its lifecycle and will likely sell millions more, especially with Blockbuster games still on release, like the recent The Last of Us Part II.

    1. Playstation 2

    Units sold: 155 million

    The 10 best-selling consoles in history

    Ps2, the best-selling console in history, in its Fat and Slim versions - Image: Disclosure

    The best-selling console of all time, overwhelmingly, is the PS2. Another console is unlikely to reach its monstrous sales numbers, at least for some time. As the most affordable DVD player at the time, and with a library of over 3.500 games, it was a system that would appeal to almost everyone. Games have never looked or played better. If you wanted to play Grand Theft Auto III, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3, God of War and Gran Turismo 4, you needed a PS2. Part of the reason it sold so well is that it was supported for over a decade, with games released for it as well throughout the life of the PS3. It continued the legacy of what made the original PlayStation so great, leading to many franchises and ideas we still love today.

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