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    Instagram Remix takes inspiration from TikTok and now works on any video

    Instagram has announced that it will allow users of its platform to remix any video content, not just short Rells. Called Remix, the feature is very similar to TikTok's Duets.

    Remix is ​​a feature that allows users to record videos on Reels and embed videos from other users as a way to interact, react, and collaborate. According to Instagram, it will now be possible to remix any public video in the app, but this can only be done on new content (published from now on).

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    How Remix will work

    According to Instagram, the purpose of Remix is ​​to give creators more options to "reinvent" their posts and collaborate with others. When remixing a non-Reels video, the creator will still have access to Reels tools including Collabs, Voiceover, Effects and Audio Tools.

    Instagram Remix takes inspiration from TikTok and now works on any video

    Remix function on Instagram. Source: Instagram

    To use the new feature, just tap on the three dots on the menu at the top right of any published video. After that, the option "remix this video" will appear. The content creator will be able to remix the entire video or part of someone else's video to use it as part of the remix. The resulting remix video will be visible wherever they are shared.

    Another feature rolling out on Instagram

    In addition to Remix on Instagram, the app also gained the option to highlight a topic, date and time of a scheduled Live on the profile. With that, it will be easier to visualize the events that will happen and to subscribe to the Lives.

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