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    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    If you are a user of the world's largest photo social network then you can start celebrating. Instagram is testing at least 12 tools that will improve the way we use the app. Many of them are the result of requests from the users themselves.

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    According to The Next Web, a variety of new features are coming to Instagram.

    They come not long after the app released the view of stories through Instagram Web, a feature that had also been a lot of request. It just goes to show that Instagram has a wonderful habit of listening to the community.

    As with all tests, it may be that you or a friend have already received a specific feature that we are going to show you here, however, for the vast majority they will only be available after an official update of the application.

    But don't feel rejected, that's the policy of both Instagram and Facebook, which tend to release new features for testing small segments of the audience and not all at once.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Let's see the news that TNW pointed out:

    Rule button

    Who never wanted to share a photo of a friend like we do on Facebook or Twitter? 

    Well, it seems that Instagram has finally heard the prayers of users and is implementing the option. If before we had to save the image or video on the device and then share it on our own account or even install a third-party app to do the job, now we will have a native Regram button. This is a feature that many users have been asking for for a long time.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    gifs for stories

    A resource that divides opinions. If, on the one hand, some will love the new possibility, on the other, some fear that this will be the gateway to an orkutization of yet another social network.

    According to the video below, it looks like Instagram may finally join the group of social networks that have surrendered to GIF by allowing users to search and add GIFs to their normal stories or posts. You can't tell much just by looking at the images, but apparently Instagram is working with Giphy, the same database used by Messenger, also from Facebook.

    Instagram beta app for iOS

    Instagram has had a beta app for Android for some time now, but a new app like this could be on the way, this time for iOS. Apparently, the social network seems to have invited a select audience to test the new versions of the application on Apple's system. 

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    archiving stories

    Another new one that is coming is the one that allows you to save your stories in a personal folder. The feature seems pretty straightforward and would keep your favorite stories within the app for months or even years.

    Just like the stories and filters themselves, it must be said that this feature appeared a long time ago on Snapchat.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Closed friends list

    According to our source, earlier this year Instagram was spotted testing a favorite friends feature, which now appears to be close to release. It's exactly what it sounds like: add your closest friends to a select group and you can share content only with them - like DMs, but in a group (looks like zap groups are coming on yet another Mark Zuckerberg platform).

    Apparently your closest friends won't receive a notification when you add them to groups. However, they will be notified when someone within the group shares a new post using the feature.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Sharing with WhatsApp

    And if since all the apps are by Mark Zuckerberg, it's only fair that he wants all his apps to be integrated, right? Well, now you'll have the native possibility to send a post to your messenger friends.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Top Emojis e Top Hashtags

    Apparently, now you'll be able to search directly for trending emojis or hashtags, as well as a list of trending topics on Twitter.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    follow topics

    And speaking of hashtags, do you like any of them in particular and are you always looking for new posts of it? Now you can follow it to be notified of the most popular posts with that tag or the most recent stories.

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Option to pin a conversation in Direct

    One more feature that came from WhatsApp. It will now be possible to pin conversations in direct at the top of the list. The option has not been opened for a long time in Markinho's other app and is now coming to the photo network.

    Learn here how to use Instagram direct directly from the computer

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    Automatic replacement of words with emoticons

    You know that thing about writing a word in the message to be sent and it will automatically be replaced by the corresponding emoticon? The feature made its debut in iOS 10 and even got an exclusive post here at Oficina. Now, according to the video below, it's also coming to Instagram. 

    We just don't know if it will be exclusive to Apple devices, or also those of other brands, since the feature only exists for iOS, so far.

    One more coffee?

    Didn't understand the title? Well, just wait until you see the print below. 

    The "Add Coffee" option appears when posting something on your Instagram page. What it is for or what it does is not yet known. suggestions?

    Instagram is testing 12 new features. Check out what they are

    These are the first news that were seen in the new version that is slowly being released in test mode for a few users. Were you one of the selected? So tell us which news you liked the most or if you noticed anything else that wasn't mentioned in the post.

    If new things come up we will update the post. Keep an eye.

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