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    Instagram now helps you clean up the list of who you follow

      Seeking to improve the management of your contact list, Instagram is now separating the accounts you follow into two distinct categories.

      They are generic groups, separated as follows, first you have the accounts that you have not interacted with or have interacted with very little in a 90-day interval, Instagram understands your likes and reactions to stories as interaction.

      We all probably follow some people that we like, admire or keep us informed about a specific subject, usually when this happens we like the posts and stories. On the other hand, we can follow accounts that we are interested in but do not interact with.

      Instagram has determined this 90-day "no-interaction" interval to indicate to you that that account may no longer be of interest to you.

      The second group are the accounts that appear most in your feed. These are usually the ones Instagram thinks you are most interested in. However, this list may also contain accounts that post a lot.

      Either way, by categorizing different accounts, Instagram makes it easy to clean up your feed. This is very important because sometimes we follow accounts that are involved in some kind of campaign or giveaway, but after a certain date it stops making sense.

      In addition, Instagram has been offering new ways to list the accounts you are following for some time. You can keep the default setting or sort by the date you started following an account.

      Instagram now helps you clean up the list of who you follow

      Existing feature also facilitates when checking accounts that are relevant or not.

      This, again, is useful if you want to reduce the number of people you are following. You can easily unfollow or mute accounts that you followed a long time ago but have since lost interest.

      In the same way, you can check the accounts you've recently started following and see if they really are relevant to you.

      We spend a lot more time on the app now than before, so it's healthy to do this kind of maintenance. Mainly to get rid of those accounts that follow you, like 9 photos of you (aiming to get your reciprocal attention) and two days later they unfollow you (the famous robots).

      Adopting these features demonstrates an effort by Instagram to ensure that your feed and stories only show the accounts you really want to follow.

      That way you don't get overwhelmed by accounts you no longer care about. That way you're left with a feed filled with only accounts that really matter.

      Unfortunately, the cleaning continues to show a small number of profiles that you follow, this may be related to the identification of mass actions, which Instagram usually identifies and blocks for seconds, minutes and even hours.

      So when cleaning the list of who you follow or your followers, do it with some patience, as your account may be momentarily blocked.

      Instagram now helps you clean up the list of who you follow

      Feature divides who you follow into two categories to make cleaning up your feed easier

      To see the new features, simply login to the app, navigate to your profile and select "Following".

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