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    Instagram now allows polls via direct messages

      Anyone who has an Instagram account knows that when the polls arrived in Stories, the news turned into a fever, filling the Q&A place. To the unsuspecting, a situation, perhaps, a little embarrassing, since the questions and their respective answers were shown to everyone. Now, Instagram has started to allow polls to be carried out through the app's direct messages.

      The news was revealed on Tuesday (14) on the official Instagram Twitter:

      "Starting today, you can send a poll privately in Direct. Update your app to choose who you want to poll - whether it’s everyone in a big group thread or just your very best friend. Update your app now to try it!"

      Instagram now allows polls via direct messages

      Instagram now allows polls via direct messages.

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      Therefore, it is possible to ask questions that will be delivered only to the desired followers, and with that without revealing the poll publicly in Stories, if you wish to do so. The novelty began to arrive at the app for Android and iOS on Tuesday (14), being released gradually to users. To guarantee the feature, you just need to keep the app up to date.

      To use the novelty is simple, that is, basically the same view when doing through stories. Thus, it is necessary to insert the image and after the "poll" sticker. The possibility can be sent both through individual profiles and in groups. In relation to groups, the difference is in how the message is worked. In the group, the answers end up being displayed in real time for all the participants.

      Polls, in addition to being quite fun for most users, can also be an amazing research method for companies as they can carry out extensive market research with the public. Through the possibility of sending polls through private messages, the search can be done in a targeted way, which can guarantee a better return.

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