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    The best fitness and health tech tips

    Table of Contents
    1. Fitness technology in apps
      1. Native apps
      2. Apps that can be downloaded
    2. Apps for better sleep
      1. blue color filter
      2. Gadgets for better sleep
    3. heart rate monitors
    4. smart scales
    5. Smart Watches
      1. Smart Watches
      2. Smartband

    According to report by Latin American Report of IHRSA, an association that works to promote the health and exercise segment, the fitness market moved around US$ 100 billion in 2019 worldwide. And, according to the report, that number is expected to grow by about 8,7% every year.

    To get an idea of ​​how big this market is becoming, it is possible to measure it in numbers and situations: aiming at a slice of this growth, last year, the Google bought the Fitbit, leading company fitness technology and health, for more than 2 billion dollars, around 8 billion reais at the time.

    These movements show how much the fitness technology and health is growing. It encompasses not only innovations for well-being, but also aims to meet the public interest that maintains this healthier lifestyle.

    The fact is that, daily, new solutions have appeared, promising to help people get out of a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the Techlifers prepared a guide with the main solutions that facilitate a healthy life.

    Fitness technology in apps

    The best fitness and health tech tips
    Fitness technology is responsible for helping millions of people around the world.

    Not everyone likes going to the gym. And, even those who like it, sometimes want another option for a daily and more detailed follow-up. That's why the app stores are full of apps that promise to make the fitness life of users easier. As not all of them are as efficient as they advertise, we have selected some that deliver as promised.

    Native apps

    Both operating systems have native applications. the smartphones Android come with Google Fit, while the iOS have Apple Health. They are like a digital document that stores all the cell phone owner's information.

    These apps store various information, such as steps taken daily, number of flights of stairs that were climbed and, in case of synchronization with a SmartWatch, also display average heart rate and other training information.

    Apps that can be downloaded

    Let's start talking about the app Nike Training Club. With free download and available for both iOS how much for Android, NTC offers several training options with the possibility of customization, according to the user's taste. In it, you can choose the intensity, variations and modalities you want to practice.

    The app has synchronization with both the Google Fit as with the Apple Health, in addition to providing audio and video training series on the smartphone screen. For this, it is necessary to make a quick registration and enter some health information, which will be used as a basis for training.

    There are two versions to use this application: the first, free, where short and long workouts with well-explanatory videos are available; and the second, premium, in which the user pays to have access to the monitoring of trainers and nutritional guidance in the application itself, in addition to enjoying the same contents of the free plan.

    Another interesting and little known app in Spain is J&J Official 7 minute Workout (Official 7-minute training). Despite being an English app, its usability is very easy and very similar to the previous app.

    The interesting thing about this app is that, as the name implies, it proposes to prepare a 7-minute workout. On the screen, you follow the activity to be done and the time for execution. If the user decides to do a warm-up and a cool-down, which is recommended, the total training time increases to 11 minutes.

    It is also available for both operating systems (Android and iOS) and has a range of exercises with the ability to customize the workouts, which is a great achievement of the fitness technology.

    Both applications are highly rated in the operating system stores, which shows that they are quite effective at what they set out to do. However, it is important to remember that a professional evaluation is essential for the beginning of any physical activity.

    Apps for better sleep

    Polar Flow is a cloud system that stores the data of those who use it and is one of the main systems of fitness technology today.

    Many people have great difficulty sleeping. Science attests to several reasons for this, which may be related to various sleep disorders, according to medical diagnosis.

    Science has also shown that excessive use of electronic devices can be harmful to health. However, this same technology has the potential to be a great ally in the search for a good night's sleep.

    blue color filter

    In some cases, the problem with sleep can be simpler than it seems. Almost all displays used in electronics today are made of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): computers, tablets, smartphones and many other items. This technology joins a portion of colors to compose the images.

    However, according to a study carried out by the University of Manchester, in England, exposing the body to the blue light present in the LCD is harmful to human sleep. The research says that it specifically reduces the production of melatonin – known as the sleep hormone – because, because it is similar to sunlight, it makes the body understand that, even at night, it is daytime.

    Therefore, some electronic equipment today already have the option of activating a blue color filter, trying to reduce this exposure and improve users' sleep, in an attempt by fitness technology to increase users' quality of life.

    In devices Apple, just activate the tool Night Shift, available in the device's control center. Through it, you can set times for the filter to run.

    For devices with the system Android, this tool may change location depending on the brand of device. So our tip is to install the app iBlue. It is a very light application – about 0,2MB – and allows you to set times for the filter to run, just like the Apple.

    Computers also have this functionality. At the Mac, it has the same name as on portable devices – Night Shift – and can be activated in system preferences.

    In the case of Windows, she is called Night Light and is activated in the video settings, starting from version 10. For previous versions, the tip is the software F.Lux, which is easy to install and free, intended for personal use.

    Gadgets for better sleep

    In addition to this specificity, fitness technology has already produced several gadgets that monitor the user's sleep and can help find a solution to the problem. They are smart mattresses, monitoring bracelets, breathing sensors, among others.

    Talking about the technologies available in Spain, sleep monitors are excellent accessories that gather data during the night and present it via app. Every movement made during sleep is captured by the monitor.

    Most devices look like watches, but they have many other purposes, such as monitoring heart rate, showing a fitness guide, and exercising calorie control during your workout.

    The best known today in Spain are those of Polar, a Finnish company that develops equipment for physical training. With sleep function, M430 and A370 models are available. The difference between the models is in what they do in addition to the Sleep Plus function, which is the function that helps with sleep.

    While the first model is more complete for physical training and is suitable for those who practice swimming, the second is more unpretentious, but does not disappoint in anything it proposes and even has a battery that can last up to 4 days. , according to brand information.

    They all have access to Polar Flow, an online platform that stores information on physical activities and sleep. The user can access it from the computer or through an application on the cell phone.

    For those who think that sleep monitoring may not be as effective, there is a device that promises to cut the time it takes to sleep by a third.

    The Dodow is a kind of metronome that projects lights on the ceiling of the room and trains the body to sleep faster. The idea is that, according to the movement of the lights, the body synchronizes and reproduces the breath at the same time.

    A LivLab, the company that manufactures the device, guarantees that, with this synchronization, the breathing rate drops to 6 times per minute, putting the body in rest mode and falling asleep in a maximum of 8 minutes.

    The 0,70 cm product is manufactured in France, but is available for purchase here in Spain, only via the internet, for R$ 199 plus R$ 30 for shipping, which is up to 8 business days.

    heart rate monitors

    The best fitness and health tech tips
    Whether through smart watches or bracelets, fitness technology is practically a health lifesaver.

    For those who exercise regularly, the heart rate monitor (also known by the acronym MFC) is not just an accessory, it is almost part of the costume. These devices can be used at any time of the day, but are even more in demand for physical activity.

    Their purpose is to record users' pulses and, linked to other data such as weight, age and health history, help build a workout or map heart health, under the supervision of a doctor.

    There are several MFC options on the market. THE Polar is also one of the main manufacturers of these devices. In this case, we can highlight the OH1 model, a kind of bracelet that was made to be worn on the upper arm or forearm. This is a very versatile device and suitable for use in the pool.

    Another option is straps that measure heart rate from the chest. There are a few options available like Polar H10 and Dual Ant+ from Kalenji, which can be integrated into the cell phone or watch.

    Although we are more used to more traditional models, such as those on a watch, there are several heart rate monitors in other formats, such as in headphones.

    It is the case of JBL Reflect Fit. It is a sports headset that captures your heart rate through the ear. According to the manufacturer, the skin of the ear is thin, so it allows a good reading of the beats.

    In short, like almost everything in fitness technology, heart rate monitors have varying prices, so the sportsman needs to understand which best suits his needs.

    smart scales

    The best fitness and health tech tips
    Even the scales have already been improved by fitness technology and are now connected to specific applications.

    In a world full of fitness technology, scales do more than measure weight. Smart scales, for example, are devices that make a total mapping of physical health and offer users complex data.

    Starting with a more basic model, with a relatively small investment, Cadence Smart Care is an intelligent product that, in addition to weight, delivers the rate of fat, water, muscles and makes a caloric analysis of the body.

    The Xiaomi Mi Scale 2, on the other hand, has a higher price, but it lives up to the data it captures. The scale takes dozens of body composition measurements, which, in addition to the previous items, include protein ratio, moisture ratio, ideal weight and a health score. The differential of this model is the balance test: standing on the scale by one foot, it identifies possible risks of falling and joint injuries.

    Both models can record data from more than 10 different people, but only Mi Scale can be connected to smartphones via the app.

    Smart Watches

    The best fitness and health tech tips
    Intended not only for health, these devices are quite versatile and help with everyday tasks as well.

    There are several cases in which watches save the lives of their owners. The most recent was of a Spaniard, victim of cardiac arrhythmia, who was saved by his Apple Watch, who identified the increase in heart rate and contacted emergency services for him. These little gadgets are very important in the world of fitness technology.

    In the end, doctors claimed that the call prevented the death of the patient who was on the verge of cardiac arrest. So, in May, Anvisa released the ECG function in Spain, which allows the electrocardiogram exam through the watch itself.

    There are numerous devices like this on the market. Each brand brings a differential and wants to draw the attention of a different audience. Therefore, in view of these differences, we have separated the most interesting ones for the fitness audience.

    Smart Watches

    For those looking for a more complete watch, the tip is to opt for a SmartWatch. These products have many features and leave no one in hand. Whether for a more serious moment, more casual or for training time, they are quite functional.

    O Apple Watch, for example, is one of the most complete watches today. It has integrated GPS, heart monitor, internal storage, NFC (wireless approach technology for payments and the like), has an OLED screen and is water resistant. The battery, as shown in the Apple, can last up to 18 hours.

    Likewise, the Samsung Galaxy Watch has a more laid-back style, but has functions very similar to the previous one. However, Samsung has made a smartwatch more focused on healthy living and has invested, for example, in a stress indicator, which displays breathing and meditation techniques on the watch screen.

    • Apple Watch Series 4 16GB – R$ 3.699
    • Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 4GB – R$ 1.785


    In general, the smartbands usually draw attention for the price and battery life. So, if what you're looking for is a more basic model focused on monitoring activities, there are other very interesting options with much more affordable prices than the ones we've already talked about.

    The Samsung Galaxy Fit presents itself as a lightweight, state-of-the-art and very streamlined product. The item is proactive and, therefore, can be used both for sleep monitoring and for exercises on rainy days. It has 15g and its battery can last up to 7 days in constant use.

    When we talk about cost-effectiveness, the darling has been the Mi Band 4 da Xiaomi. The differential of this product starts with its screen, which is colored. But, in addition, the Mi Band promises a battery of 20 days in continuous use and a very complete application with health data. This smartband also has sleep tracking.

    • Samsung Galaxy Fit Preto - R $ 399
    • Xiaomi Mi Band 4 – R$429

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