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    What is AMD FidelityFX? Understand!

      What is AMD FidelityFX? Understand!

      During this year's E3 2019 event, AMD introduced a new technology called FidelityFX, which is an open-source set of image enhancement tools. To make the game's image quality clearer and more real, the software uses Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) in conjunction with Luma Preserving Mapping (LPM) technology.

      FidelityFX's proposal is to automatically combine different effects in fewer shading areas in order to reduce overhead and alleviate the use of the GPU. In this way it is possible to bring a higher image quality and at the same time a possible decrease in the temperature of the video card by reducing the number of processes.

      It is important to point out that the software developed by AMD has the possibility of being used in both Geforce and Radeon GPUs.

      A few weeks after the announcement of the new technology, support for using Fidelity FX's effects was made available for Rage 2, a game developed by Bethesda.

      A few weeks after the announcement of the new technology, support for using Fidelity FX's effects was made available for Rage 2, a game developed by Bethesda. To take advantage of the novelty and the fact that several reports were appearing that the software was not efficient in the result it promised, the overclock3d website decided to carry out its tests on its own, in a very detailed way, to see what was really happening.

      Tests were then carried out using an NVIDA Geforce RTX2080Ti GPU running the game Rage 2 at 1080p resolution with all settings on ultra and resolution scaling disabled. As we can see below, the effect provided by FidelityX causes an increase in the level of micro details and increases the vividness of colors, making the image sharper, with less noise and more faithful to reality.

      Probably other analysts said that there were no differences by observing only macro details, leaving aside several small details that in the end, in the end, make a difference in the image quality of the game and in the experience that the user has.

      In the images below captured for comparison generated by the overclock3d website, we can see the metallic surface of the spray cans and the sharper red tone with the effect activated. This proves that the effect really does what it claims and makes it reach a further level in the search for the approximation of the image of a screen compared to reality, as well as HDR that tries to reproduce the brightness of objects more faithful.

      In the second scene captured from the game Rage 2 we can see that through the use of FidelityFX it is possible to improve the contour of objects in a sensitive way. Note the increase in definition in the outline of vegetation and the weapon held by the soldier, causing even better texturing of objects.

      Perhaps FidelityFX is not so evident in certain circumstances, but in certain scenes the effect, as you can see above, is remarkable. More games will probably emerge that will take more advantage of the use of such technology, but for now, even having a subtle effect on the image in some cases, it is possible to say that its use is still valid. Something that further reinforces its use is that according to the overclock3d website there was no drop or increase in performance during the game, that is, the effect only has benefits to bring.

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      Check out below a video demonstrating in real time the differences in different games with the activation and deactivation of AMD FidelityFX:

      Recently the game F1 2019, through an update, gained support for DLSS and FidelityFX, check out what has changed and let us know!

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