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    Xiaomi will mass produce its electric car as early as 2024

    Xiaomi will mass produce its electric car as early as 2024

    In March of this year, Xiaomi announced that it would start a project to create its own electric car. Now, according to Reuters, during an investor meeting, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun said that electric car production is on the right track and that he believes the company will start mass production of its car at the beginning of the year. first half of 2024.

    In August of this year, Xiaomi registered its electric vehicle and already has plans to invest US$ 10 million in the business over the next ten years. At the same time, the company also bought DeepMotion, a company working on self-driving car technologies, in addition to having hired several employees for its new business.

    Xiaomi may outsource its electric car production

    It is not yet known whether Xiaomi will produce its electric car on its own, through its factories. It is believed that, in order to obtain a competitive price in the car market, the company ends up, because of this, making a partnership with a company in the field.

    Xiaomi will soon start a project to create its own electric car

    When did Xiaomi's electric car project start?

    According to information, work on the car project to be developed by Xioami will begin in April this year. In addition, sources said that Wang is looking for people to work in the field, studies of technologies and production processes. Xiaomi even released a statement saying:

    "Xiaomi Group has always been interested in the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem, constantly evaluating the industry and conducting research on trends in related areas. Xiaomi Group's research work in the field of electric vehicles has not yet reached the official stage of the project."

    What did you think of the idea of ​​the famous Chinese cellphone maker launching its own car? Did you like it? Share with your friends on social media and ask them what they think of this initiative!

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