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    Apple buys an AI startup to improve Siri data

      Apple buys an AI startup to improve Siri data

      Apple continues its series of acquisitions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) startups this time around to improve the performance of its voice assistant Siri.

      The company confirmed that it recently acquired Inductiv, a company based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze and correct data – which in turn improves machine learning.

      The company didn't elaborate on its plans but relied on the standard response that it "buys smaller tech companies from time to time", but here, it seems Siri is the focus.

      Currently, Apple has been working hard to improve the understanding of the voice assistant, the company acquired Voysis in order to increase the understanding of natural language. After all, no one wants to talk to a voice assistant as if it were a robot.

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      Apple's latest acquisitions prove that the company wants to deliver not only more assertive answers, but more natural answers as well. Proof of this was the hiring of former Google artificial intelligence leader John Giannandrea.

      That said, it could be a while before Giannandrea and acquired startups like Inductiv reveal what Apple intends to do more broadly.

      Gradually Apple has been including and improving artificial intelligence in its products through features like Deep Fusion, but Siri still has some way to go before it competes with companies like Amazon's Alexa or Google Assistant.

      These companies hold, in addition to the most assertive technology, a set of compatible hardware that leaves Apple behind in this segment. But it probably won't be long before the Cupertino giant starts to stand out.

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