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    Apple confirms $1 million prize for hacking iPhone

      In order to find bugs in its operating systems and at the same time prove its supremacy in terms of security, Apple radically increased the bounty award for hackers who find a vulnerability. The amount that will now be offered to the person who breaks the security system of the "apple" will be US$1 million. This is the highest value ever offered by a technology company looking for a bug in their software.

      Previously, the amount offered by the company was US$200 and was valid only for people invited by Apple to compete for such a reward. Now the prize will be offered widely, where all security researchers will be able to test their skills and who knows how to win.

      It was informed by the company that hackers will have access to "development devices". These are devices that allow the hacker to more easily control the hardware and software, making it possible, for example, to stop the processor's activity to be able to observe what is happening with the information in memory.

      Apple confirms $1 million prize for hacking iPhone

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      The $1 million amount offered by Apple will be given to the first person to find a Kernel (iOS core) hack, with no action required from the iPhone holder. It will also offer $500 to anyone who finds a "network attack that doesn't require any user action." In addition, there is also a 50% bonus for security researchers who spot a weakness in the software before it debuts.

      Source: Forbes

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