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    Apple cuts sales of iPhone 8 with 7GB to boost sales of iPhone 256

      Apple last month introduced its new iPhones to the world. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus have already started to be sold, however, the iPhone X has not yet reached consumers. However, what was supposed to be a great success, the version 8 of the Apple smartphone is not doing well.

      Now, to boost sales, Apple has withdrawn the 7 GB iPhone 256 from official stores. So, anyone who wants a device with such a configuration will have to stick with the iPhone 8, which is being made available in the following options: 32 GB, 128 Gb and 256 GB.

      Apple cuts sales of iPhone 8 with 7GB to boost sales of iPhone 256

      To increase sales of the iPhone 8, Apple cuts sales of the iPhone 7 with 256 GB.

      It is strongly believed that Apple's alternative is directly associated with low demand for the iPhone 8, so much so that the current result caused the share value to fall by 1.5%. Low demand may also be associated with controversies involving bugs or even with the arrival of the iPhone x.

      Whatever the reason, this is a strategy by Apple to leave consumers without options, and with that being forced to buy a newer option of the device.

      Recently, Apple reportedly reduced the production of new devices by 50% due to low demand.

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