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    Apple delays the launch of digital ID and CNH in its digital wallet

    Apple delays the launch of digital ID and CNH in its digital wallet

    Unfortunately Apple has delayed the release of new features of its digital wallet, Wallet. The information came through the MacRumors website, where it is said that in an iOS 15 update, data was found that says that the storage of the digital ID and CHN in the Wallet iWill be available sometime in 2022.

    Originally, the possibility of using the digital ID and CNH through Wallet was revealed during WWDC 2021. During the event, Apple said that documents could be added to its digital wallet in the same way as with credit or debit cards. . Nonetheless, support for the new feature will first arrive in the US at airports.

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    How it works

    According to Apple, just present your iPhone or Apple Watch to view the documents in supported locations. It will not be necessary to hand the device to an employee, the user will only need to touch an ID reader.

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    Launch and availability

    Unfortunately Apple did not say when the launch will take place. of the new feature of its Wallet digital wallet. However, it is already known that this functionality will not arrive in the iOS 15.2. This update is currently in beta and does not support storing digital IDs.

    According to Apple, users of its devices will later be supported not only at airports, but also at local retailers and vendors. In other words, the plan is for the resource to be widely available, where various services will offer this possibility of identification.

    Are you looking forward to the arrival of the new feature? Share with your friends on social media!

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