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    Apple is working on a foldable iPad with 5G

      At the beginning of 2019 we had many announcements of folding screens, for example, the devices of the Chinese Huawei and the Korean Samsung, although they did not even reach the market due to durability problems.

      According to a report by IHS Markit, released by the website udn, Apple would be developing a device with a foldable screen. However, it is not a cell phone like other manufacturers are developing, but a tablet, a foldable version of the iPad.

      It is not yet known whether the new iPad will have a single curved screen, as in the case of prototypes made by Samsung and Huawei, it would be something close to what was announced in dual-screen notebooks, with a separate screen instead of a physical keyboard.

      Apple is working on a foldable iPad with 5G

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      Apparently, the iPad will have its screens the size of a Macbook, which is entirely plausible since the iPad Pro has a 12,9" screen. However, it is believed that the final appearance will be more compact and would unfold the screen. to get a size of 13 or 15 inches (that would be interesting to see).

      According to the rumor, the foldable iPad would also have a 5G antenna for faster mobile internet performance.

      But all that has been said should be taken with caution, after all they are just rumors, nothing concrete. Although the information is coming from a supply analyst, there is still no real proof that the "apple" is increasing its production of components for the manufacture of a new product.

      In any case, the 5G foldable iPad would be a very interesting thing to see, but there is a risk that it is something that is years away from actually being released to the market. Apple faces difficulties in implementing 5G in its line of smartphones and therefore, a 5G iPhone is not expected to be launched until the end of 2020. 

      Source: 9to5mac

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