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    Apple Maps gains property rating feature in more countries

    With the release of iOS 14, Apple Maps gained a classification system to classify establishments (businesses, restaurants) and points of interest selected by the user. However, this functionality was only available for a small group of countries, including Australia and Japan. But luckily, according to MacRumors, users in the US and Canada gained access to the new feature.

    Place rating works for the vast majority of user-selected places. The system is very simple, being summarized in giving a "like" or a "dislike". When selecting one of the options, the application will ask you to evaluate certain aspects that you have noticed about the evaluated location.

    In a statement to TheVerge, an Apple spokesperson tells users to add contributions based on their phone or tablet history, in addition to the photos in their camera roll. It is important to point out that the privacy of users will be preserved, as the name will not appear in the evaluations made.

    Apple Maps gains property rating feature in more countries

    Apple Maps gains property rating feature in more countries

    Screenshot of the rating system in Apple Maps. Source: macrumors
    Apple Maps receives an update and finally brings a feature long awaited by drivers

    Unfortunately, Apple Maps does not yet allow written reviews, meaning iOS and iPadOS users will still have to turn to services like Yelp and Tripadvisor. There is still a lot to improve for the Apple application to match Google Maps, but it is likely that more improvements will gradually occur to alleviate this disparity.

    Launch and availability

    It is not yet known when the Apple Maps evaluation functionality will be available to users in Spain. Stay tuned for more Techlifers news and be sure to share the story with your friends on social media!

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