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    Apple may reduce the value of the iPhone X after low demand

      The iPhone X arrived as Apple's most expensive smartphone and also the most promising. In the United States its value is US$ 999, in Spain its price reaches R$ 7,8 thousand. However, even being one of the most anticipated devices of recent times, the iPhone X, apparently, did not have the expected sales performance.

      Due to low demand, according to a report by Digitimes, Apple intends to cut the value of the device in early 2018.

      Apple may reduce the value of the iPhone X after low demand

      Apple may reduce iPhone X's value after low demand.

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      The report says Apple would be forced to make such a price cut in order for the iPhone X to increase sales. Until then, Apple would have sold between 20 and 35 million units of the device.

      Even with a greater demand in China, as the report says, the device has been registering a low number in Singapore, Taiwan and also in the United States.

      The report also ends by saying that Apple should actually lower the value of the iPhone X in order to increase the number of sales. However, the question remains: How will consumers who paid for a higher price of the iPhone X look like?

      Apple, so far, has not commented on the possible drop in the value of the devices. However, it is customary for the company not to comment on such matters.

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