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    Apple: Overheated iPhone battery injures technician, evacuates store

      The fact happened in Zurich, the overheating of the battery of an iPhone that was being changed by a technician in an Apple store caused panic among the 50 people who were in the place at the time, counting employees and customers, who had to leave the store quickly. by the large amount of smoke released by the battery that ended up catching fire.

      Only the technician who was having contact with the battery ended up with minor burns on his hands, but the great scare caused police cars to come to the scene, as well as firefighters and ambulances. According to the police in the region, the employees of the Apple store would have acted correctly, taking all the people out of the environment.

      Apple: Overheated iPhone battery injures technician, evacuates store

      The case took place in Zurich, Switzerland.

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      Recently, Apple confirmed that it reduces the capacity of the batteries of older iPhones, however, after confessing to the population that it has adopted such measures, it made it possible to exchange the old batteries of these devices for new ones with a more affordable price, US$ 29, that is. , the equivalent of R$ 95.

      This was the problem, a very old and damaged battery that at the time of replacement ended up causing a fire in this Apple store in Switzerland. With that, here's the tip, always look for an authorized store to do this type of service, as the technicians of Apple's own stores can be surprised, as in this case.

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