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    Apple releases iOS 13.5.1; Update Fixes Flaw That Allows iPhone to Jailbreak

      Recently, a hacker group called "unc0ver" released a tool that allows you to jailbreak virtually any iPhone running iOS 11 or higher. This was possible thanks to a vulnerability present in iOS.

      Now, seeking to remedy this problem, Apple has released a new update to its mobile operating system, which delivers version 13.5.1. The latest update does not bring any new features, but according to the company it is extremely important as it offers security fixes, especially for the flaw that allows jailbreaking.

      The new update actually fixed the vulnerability as the hacker group warned on its Twitter account for users not to install iOS 13.5.1. Of course, if you have no intention of jailbreaking your iPhone, installing it is recommended, as the new package can prevent future problems.

      Apple releases iOS 13.5.1; Update Fixes Flaw That Allows iPhone to Jailbreak

      If you don't know, jailbreaking consists of removing security measures that prevent iOS from running software not authorized by Apple. The company claims that it "shields" the operating system to keep the platform secure.

      It is worth remembering that there are some risks in this procedure. We can cite the case of security mechanisms detecting the modification and preventing the operation of certain applications, such as Apple Pay. However, the tool provided by "unc0ver" adds exceptions to the system sandbox so that important services continue to work.

      Unlike Android, which is distributed in stages, the new iOS 13.5.1 is now available for download on all compatible devices.

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