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    Apple Releases Third Public Beta of iOS 13, iPadOS, tvOS 13, and macOS Catalina

      Today is starting a new stage of Apple's beta operating systems. The third public beta will be released for iOS 13, iPadOS, tvOS 13 and macOS Catalina. The new updates will be made available to beta program participants at

      The updates will come in waves, arriving little by little for each region and if you are already part of the beta program, just wait for the new test version of the operating system to arrive. If you do not participate in the program, but are interested, just access the "apple" website and access the "Apple Beta Software Program" here.

      In the third beta version of the iOS 13 operating system, we see several new features, such as the presence of a new icon for voice messages in the "Messages" application, creation of a new button to organize applications when you press an app, correction of a vulnerability where anyone could access passwords stored in an app without the need for Face ID or Touch ID.

      Apple Releases Third Public Beta of iOS 13, iPadOS, tvOS 13, and macOS Catalina

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      The same features mentioned above are expected to be added in the public beta for iPadOS, while the tvOS 13 and macOS Catalina operating systems are expected to receive bug fixes and performance improvements.

      What did you think of the new beta version for iOS 13? Are you already participating in Apple's beta program? Comment below!

      Source: GSMArena

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