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    Apple sued over iPhone design

      Apple is being sued over the design of its devices. The case in question was registered in one of the New York courts.

      It all started when Himelda Mendez, who is blind, filed a lawsuit accusing Apple of violating, through its website, Title III of the "Americans With Disabilites Act" ("Law of Americans with Disabilities", in Spanish translation ). The law guarantees the rights of Americans with disabilities and prohibits discrimination based on their disability.

      Apple sued over iPhone design

      Apple is sued for iPhone design.

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      According to Mendez, the code on Apple's website does not have descriptive attributes and is full of flaws, including empty and redundant links, which ends up confusing screen reader software, which is responsible for translating content from digital media into a narrated text or even in tactile Braille.

      "For screen-reading software to work properly, information on a website needs to be able to be turned into text. If the content on a website is not capable of this, blind and visually impaired people are unable to access the same content available." to sighted users," says the complaint.

      On the planet, according to estimates by the WHO (World Health Organization), there are more than 39 million blind people. Therefore, Apple's problem is considered global, since the company is present in much of the world.

      According to the lawsuit, the attitude taken by Apple of not making the site accessible to the visually impaired was intentional, since the W3C, the organization that defines web standards, published in 2008 version 2.0 of the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" ( "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines". Such guidelines are guidelines that need to be followed in order for a website to be understood by a screen reader.

      Apple has not commented on the matter.

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