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    Apple sued over iPhone that exploded

      As we already know, Samsung had several losses involving one of its launches a while ago, due to the used battery, which ended up exploding on several occasions. However, not only the South Korean had problems, Apple, for example, is being sued by a man who had an iPhone that exploded in his pocket. The episode took place two years ago.

      Robert Portee, a resident of the US state of South Carolina, in the United States, reportedly suffered severe burns after the incident, having to be transported by air to a burn treatment center located in Georgia, a neighboring state.

      The fact happened, according to the man, in the fall of 2016, just at the time when one of the big issues was the Galaxy Note 7, in which many devices ended up exploding due to the lithium battery. That year, airlines even banned passengers from boarding their Note 7s.

      Apple sued over iPhone that exploded

      Apple is sued for iPhone that exploded.

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      Portee says he had recently taken his smartphone off the charger and had spoken on the phone before the incident. But, it all happened during a visit to his son's house, in which he felt an "extreme heat" in the pocket area, where the device was, and heard his clothes crackle. At this point he ripped off the pants he was wearing and went to the emergency, which put him in a helicopter and sent him to Augusta, Georgia.

      According to the lawsuit filed in Federal Court in Columbia, the device in question was an iPhone. Now, Portee wants to be compensated by Apple also by Asurion, an insurance company, for "indeterminate damages". According to the man, the iPhone had been granted by the insurance company after his old iPhone had broken down.

      The suit stresses that both Apple and Asurion should know about the risks of the battery, and that Apple should warn its users about overheating.

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