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    Apple to release update for iPhone 12 green screen bug

    The iPhone 12 was officially released not long ago, and it has won a lot of praise from users and hardware test experts. However, recently the brightness of its release has been overshadowed thanks to some bugs that appeared and reverberated on the internet.

    Apple has become aware of an issue with some iPhone 12 screens that are currently displaying a type of flicker with a green or gray glow, particularly around the edges of the device's front panel.

    There have been a lot of complaints about this new issue on Apple's forums and support communities since the iPhone 12 models became available to the public. The entire line - iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max are experiencing these kind of bugs.

    But already? iPhone 12 users report serious problem with the device's display

    Update to fix the issue

    Apple has shared a document with Apple's Authorized Service Providers telling the company that it is aware of complaints that customers have disclosed related to this issue and is investigating.

    The company also advised technicians to avoid fulfilling these types of requests, at least for now, and advise the customer to wait, as Apple is working to resolve the issue and as soon as possible a new version of iOS will be available to update the iPhone. 12. This type of guidance confirms that the company rules out any possibility that the problem is caused by a hardware failure.

    Bug causes green screen on new iPhone 12 with iOS 14.2

    According to the reports that users have submitted, the issue seems to only occur when the display brightness is set to 90% or less. For the most part, this is not a persistent problem, as the greenish edges suddenly disappear in a matter of a few seconds.

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