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    Apple will have to provide data on iPhone used by terrorist

      The United States, in early November, registered a new tragedy. In this case, Devin Patrick Kelley, for religious reasons, ended up entering a church in Texas and shooting people who were attending the ceremony, killing 26 members, including children and a pregnant woman.

      The man, after the crime, killed himself with a firearm. During the investigation, police officers found an iPhone SE in the terrorist's house. Apple, in turn, contacted and offered to help the government to provide the data stored on the device.

      Apple will have to provide data on iPhone used by terrorist

      Apple will have to provide iPhone data used by terrorist.

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      Apple told the FBI to use the dead man's fingerprints as soon as possible, as access to the device would be blocked within 48 hours. At the time, she got no response, but now she has received a power of attorney that obliges her to provide any type of file found on the terrorist's iPhone SE.

      The information includes locally stored data as well as that available in iCloud. Now, whether Apple will comply with the request we don't know. Certainly, in the coming weeks we will have new information about the fact.

      It is worth mentioning that one episode was quite marked involving an iPhone. In 2016, Apple appealed to a court order for access to the iPhone used by gunman Syed Farook, who committed an attack in San Bernardino.

      Eventually, the FBI managed to hack the device with the help of a third-party company.

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