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    Apple would be working on an Apple Watch with a microLED screen

      According to Economic Daily News, Apple would be finalizing negotiations with display makers in Taiwan to bring microLED displays into their products next year.

      Apparently, the "apple" intends to add a microLED screen to the Apple Watch, thus replacing the current OLED screen manufactured by LG Display.

      Parts suppliers, in an attempt not to reveal information, chose to withhold confirmation of negotiations with Apple. However, there was one who reported being in contact with the smartwaches division.

      Apple would be working on an Apple Watch with a microLED screen

      Apple Watch

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      According to the parts supplier, the delivery of displays takes around nine months. This fact shows us that even if there is an Apple Watch update this year, it will not come with the new microLED display. Thus, the forecast for the arrival of products with a microLED screen is for the end of the year 2020.

      Apple, rumor has it, intends to switch both the Apple Watch and the low-cost version of the iPhones to a microLED display. Bloomberg, in March 2018, was the first to report on the interest of the "apple" in switching from OLED screens to microLED screens.

      It is believed that there will be greater energy savings with the switch from the OLED technology screen to a microLED display, as LEDs are more energy efficient. In addition, panels with microLED technology have less risk of artifacts and burn-in compared to OLED.

      Source: 9to5mac

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