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    Blizzard Employees Are Sharing Their Salaries Due to Company Exploitation

      Blizzard Employees Are Sharing Their Salaries Due to Company Exploitation

      It appears that Blizzard Entertainment employees are sharing their earnings and their pay raises to try to put the growing dissatisfaction with the pay gap into context. The information came from the Bloomberg website, where it was said that a document has been created where anyone can add their salary and any changes that occur with it.

      The existence of the aforementioned document was due to an internal survey carried out last year (2019) by Blizzard, where it was revealed that more than half of the company's staff was unhappy with the salary. As a result, the company last month implemented a plan intended to ensure fairer pay, but the move "led to protests on the company's internal Slack message boards." Jessica Taylor of Activision Blizzard said in a statement:

      "Our goal has always been to ensure that we compensate our employees fairly and competitively. We are constantly reviewing compensation philosophies to better recognize our top performers and remain competitive in the industry, all with the goal of rewarding and investing more in the best performers. employees."

      Bloomberg reports that at Blizzard, roles such as video game tester and customer service representative are paid "minimum wage or close to it." It was also stated that the layoffs that took place in February 2019 caused the need to perform additional functions, but without a salary increase.

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