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    But already? Apple suspends iCloud Chrome extension a day after launch

    But already? Apple suspends iCloud Chrome extension a day after launch

    As we reported here on Techlifers, yesterday (01), Apple announced an extension that allows you to manage, create and synchronize iCloud Passwords directly through Google Chrome. The feature that was well regarded by users of Apple devices, had a short life, as the company suspended the function for Chrome.

    Today (2), the Cupertino company went back, despite having shown a range of functions compatible with the browser and especially with Windows 10, for some unknown reason the update was discontinued and reverted to the previous version. This means that the 12.0 version of the feature is no longer available, and has consequently reverted back to The most curious thing is that there was no informed reason!

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    Will it be a failure?

    While the company has not stated the exact reason for pulling the update, some sources claim that it could be related to potential glitches. Some say that the system of iCloud Passwords for computer was not able to authenticate the access credentials of the users, and in many times it did not even open.

    Obviously, if that's really the reason, we can expect Apple to take the version off the air to fix the flaws, to later release it again to the public. This answers, for example, why there was such a rush, since user data was at risk.

    Anyway, it seems that this theory will actually come true, as the "What's New" description still displays the information of "Compatibility with the iCloud Passwords extension for Google Chrome". However, there is no forecast for the resumption of the feature at the moment.

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