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    Chrome 92 Arrives Today - What's New?

    Google Chrome updates are occurring normally every four weeks. Now, in the new update of Chrome 92, which is being made available as of today, several interesting new features have been introduced, both for the mobile app and for the web version of the browser.

    It is common for a message to appear in the Chrome app for Android or iOS asking which app the user wants to use to open a certain file. Starting with version 92 of Chrome for desktop, the same will happen on computers. It will now be possible to open applications installed through the browser, the so-called PWA (Progressive Web App). This type of app is a hybrid alternative between web pages and a traditional application, being necessary to download it through a browser and install it (after that, there will be a shortcut icon on the desktop to access it).

    Chrome 92 Arrives Today - What's New?

    Using standard applications to open files in the Chrome browser. Source: howtogeek

    With PWAs, the Chrome version will have better transitions from one program to another. This will make the processes easier for developers of desktop applications.

    Memories, a new way for you to view history in Chrome

    If you think that all social networks have "Stories", know that you are not alone. Now Chrome is apparently looking to bring a similar idea called "Memories" in an attempt to bring a new way of searching the user's access history. The novelty can be tested through the address "chrome://flags/# memories" in the Google browser.

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    Chrome 92 Arrives Today - What's New?

    "Memories" function in Chrome browser history. Source: howtogeek

    "Follow site" function is now widely available

    Previously, the function of following a site to follow its publications was restricted to a small group of users. The idea is similar to "RSS", but it's something integrated into the Chrome browser.

    Chrome 92 Arrives Today - What's New?

    "Follow site" function in Chrome browser. Source: howtogeek

    Launch and availability

    Google started rolling out update 92 for its Chrome browser starting today. However, this will not happen at the same time, the update will appear little by little for everyone in the next few days.

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