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    Company that unlocked iPhones suffers extortion after leaked code

      iPhones, as we already know, are super secure, and Apple refuses to unlock any device, not even under court order. Because of this, the FBI hired a company to unlock the devices of users who were being investigated. Recently, it is worth mentioning, the police even used the finger of a dead person to try to unlock the device.

      Now, however, the company GrayShift, known for marketing the iPhone unlocking solution, is facing a big problem. This is all because the company had part of the code of its solution leaked on the web and because of that it has been pressured by criminals to pay the sum of US$ 15 thousand so that the information is not leaked.

      Company that unlocked iPhones suffers extortion after leaked code

      Company that unlocked iPhones suffers extortion after leaked code.

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      According to Grayshift, the part that ended up being leaked is not very important and not very sensitive. In any case, it did not prevent the company from being targeted by criminals and having to undergo such blackmail.

      According to the company, the site that hosted the threat has already been deleted, however, a cached version of Google continues to circulate with the following message:

      "We are a 'business group' eager to draw attention to the fact that we have obtained the source code for your GrayKey product and would welcome any donation above 2 BTC [~$19.000 as of Tuesday]."

      The message cites different parts of Grayshift's code, with the company saying the leak was due to a network misconfiguration during formatting on the customer's website.

      "During that time, someone accessed the HTML/Javascript that makes up our UI. No IP or sensitive data was exposed as GrayKey was currently being tested in validation. We have since implemented changes to help our customers prevent access not authorized".

      We still don't know how all this will end. However, the most affected will certainly be Apple, which may have its devices unlocked by third parties if the code is discovered in full.

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