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    Confirmed! Xiaomi Mi 11 will come without the charger included in the box

    Apparently Apple started a new trend in the smartphone market: the removal of the charger included in the box. In an official statement, Xiaomi reported that the company's next flagship will not have the charging adapter included in the kit. This displeased the users of the brand, who questioned the real interests in such an attitude.

    without charger

    The company's CEO, Lei Jun, has officially confirmed that Xiaomi's next flagship will come without the charging adapter included in the kit, the same strategy that was employed by Apple months ago during the launch of the iPhone 12. from the personal profile of Xiaomi vice president Lu Weibing, made through the social network Weibo, a kind of Chinese Twitter. Read:

    “In response to the call of technology and environmental protection, the included charger is taken out of the box. I hope to get your support.
    Is there a better compromise between industry practice and environmental protection?” said Weibing. [Translated].

    Like the apple, the Chinese manufacturer also used concern for the environment as a justification for the measure to remove the charger. For now we still don't know if the Redmi and Poco line will be affected with this decision, but it is likely that they will.

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    Several rumors indicated that Xiaomi would take this incoherent attitude, since at the time Apple announced the removal of the charger, the company satirized the competitor's decision several times in several publications on Twitter. In addition to the official statement, a comparative image between the possible Mi 11 box side by side with that of the iPhone is circulating on the web. Look:

    Confirmed! Xiaomi Mi 11 will come without the charger included in the box

    Comparison between boxes. Photo: Reproduction.
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    Despite not bringing the charging adapter, the Mi 11 will have the USB-C cable used for data transfer and charging in its box.


    The Mi 11 will be launched next Monday, December 28, in an online event publicized on the brand's social networks. We can only wait to confirm - or not - the other rumors about the device

    Xiaomi publishes recorded video using night mode on the Mi 11 camera; watch

    What did you think of this decision by Xiaomi? We want to know your opinion, comment!

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